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I'm so self-conscious...


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You can't help how you are-you're thoughtful towards others but maybe this is the time you can decide to put yourself first. Otherwise you won't be able to use the equipment you have paid out for ever again and so obviously enjoy. I would have no truck with bullies. Hope you can sort this out.



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Do people actually hear and complain about a slewing scope.. It has never even crossed my mind that they would..You should hear the laugh from the chump next door she laugh's like a hammer drill or a donkey and sometimes both at the same time..

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How about going indoors (maybe in an upstairs bedroom with a window open) and getting someone to slew your scope - then you can hear roughly what your neighbour's hear - you can then make a judgement call as to whether you feel it's too noisy.

Alternatively use a manual mount (like my Skytee II) which is very quiet!

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there is a simple way to sort the noise of the mount slewing...

Wrap a dome round it!!

I have a Skyshed Pod and compared to the noise of that being swung around, no-one would hear the mount.

All of my neighbours know we have it and none are concerned about anything I do. At any time of the night.

I am 100% certain no-one hears your mount, except you, so please do not worry about them and go out and enjoy your pastime, before the bad weather sets in again.


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Crossed my mind too... All my frustrated slewings! LOL. But it's not THAT loud?

If my neighbours were to make a fuss, I now have "enough on" (most of!) 'em...

Potential interest to the Police, the council, the taxman, the RSPCA... But Nah. :p

But for curtain-twitching, narrow minded old beggars, you don't need to dig far!

More disappointing really - Thought I was going to make some *real* friends. But

once my newcomer-novelty faded and they discovered I'm of little material use? :(

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Last night I went out and kept slewing till after midnight. Seriously, they annoyed me during the day. i don't think it's acceptable that you invite very loud non-English speaking people (I know 'cause whenever I asked them to keep it down, they didn't have a clue what I was on about :D ) every freakin' weekend and smoke the entire area with BBQs. So I thought, if you don't care about your neighbors...so you might as well go to hell!!

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How about going indoors (maybe in an upstairs bedroom with a window open) and getting someone to slew your scope - then you can hear roughly what your neighbour's hear - you can then make a judgement call as to whether you feel it's too noisy.

Alternatively use a manual mount (like my Skytee II) which is very quiet!

As a matter of fact, my wife in the bedroom that happened to be on top of my observing spot says she could hear it, but not as loud as I thought. You can sleep through it, according to her.

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Noise falls off as the inverse square of the distance, roughly speaking. That means it falls off fast. I think it very unlikely indeed that they'll hear you at all. You could cut a small oblong of wool blanket to drape over the mount's motorized part and this would damp it down no end.

Things close by do sound very loud at night but at a distance they no longer do so. I also think that, perhaps unconsciously, we have evolved to be wary when out in the dark and our ears go into hypersensitive mode. Those safely indoors with a bellyfull of barbied sausages are not in this frame of mind at all...


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I'm always self concious when I'm out in my garden in case my neighbours come out and ask me about what I'm looking. 9 times out of 10 I can't find what I really want to see and dread the day that I have to admit it to the neighbours. I look the part so lets just hope they all stay indoors and watch from afar!

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Just remembered why we move to rural Wales...... nearest neighbour is 150 yds away and almost stone deaf without hearing aids, but I do have a question. How do you stop sheep from sneaking up on you and violently coughing just the other side of the hedge boundary. Sure they do this deliberately!, then it's the divebombing by the bats as you carefully make your way back inside. Dangerous place this!!!

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Welshman... sheep. I'm sure theres a joke in that somewhere!

I spoke to my neighbours recently. We live in adjoining semi-detached houses and their bedroom is to the rear. With the warm nights they've been sleeping with their bedroom window open. However, they have not heard my HEQ5 once despite its noisiness, particularly at the start and end of a slew. I did consider watching a DVD at one point whilst imaging but I decided that would risk it a bit so I retreated to my study and teamviewer.

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I honestly don't know what all the fuss is about. Don't you all have slew speed control. I thought my CG5-GT was noisy, but I was standing next to it. At a speed setting of 7 it was barely audible from 2 yards away. I could slew back and forth all night at speed 7 and nobody would ever know, let alone complain.

Stop worrying Imad. Enjoy your hobby.

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I know exactly how you feel! My neighbours' bedrooms on both sides are within just a few metres of our patio and both of them leave their windows open all night (one of them ALL year, which I haven't understood yet!)

So I always worry and rarely slew more than a few degrees, usually lining up manually on the nearest star I can find first. Probably pointless, but I just can't seem to shake the feeling I might be disturbing people.

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I leave the window few centimetres open even in the middle of winter, otherwise I'd feel uncomfortable.

I tested the mount a couple of days ago, I left it to slew and went upstairs right on top of where the mount was. I could barely hear really. So I'm kinda of relieved.

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Us too. The heating is rarely on, and I like having the fresh air.


I kind of dislike heating, we usually leave the heater at minimum just to prevent freezing. I know people who leave it on to the extent of sweating whenever you do the slightest effort. Too much for energy saving ...doh!!

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I kind of dislike heating, we usually leave the heater at minimum just to prevent freezing. I know people who leave it on to the extent of sweating whenever you do the slightest effort. Too much for energy saving ...doh!!

We have it on, but the thermostat is set low. Both because oil heating is expensive and because the house being several hundred years old and being built straight off the rock with no damp proofing means it needs a little warmth to prevent it getting damp.


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