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I'm so self-conscious...


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Last night I went out for the first time in a month. I know we had a considerable amount of clear nights this month, but couldn't be bother due to some personal reasons.

Now finally have a portable rig, 80ED and EQ3-2. I like the practicality of such kit, I just carry everything together including the counterweight and just drop it in the garden.

OK, last night I realized I was so self-conscious about bothering my neighbours. As you know, it doesn't get dark-ish until 10:30/11:00pm and this is the time most people go to sleep during the week. Funny enough I was so self-conscious about bothering my new ''NOISY'' neighbours. To be honest the mount slewing is a bit noisy. I'm not sure whether or not they can hear the motors considering their bedroom is few meters away. Then again, why would I care about the comfort of very inconsiderate people...? I don't know, I just can't be like them.

So yes, after a bunch of slewing I decided it was really inappropriate. I'm probably over-considerate. I ended up imaging the moon through the window :D

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You are over considerate. If we you live your life worrying about what other people think you are going to have a unhappy time worrying your whole life. As long as you are not overtly banging and crashing aroudn whats the issue?

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Generally you don't spend much time slewing the scope around and it's really not that loud, so I don't think it's a big deal.

However, if you use EQMOD to control the mount rather than the handset, you can set the maximum slew speed I believe. If you chose a slower maximum speed then it would probably be quieter.


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I’d not lose any sleep over it.

I have a neighbour that loves to bash things in his garage when myself and our family are sitting out in the sunshine, if that doesn’t work he’ll then start up a bonfire.

So I get great pleasure “loudly” placing my bottle of Belgium beer in the dust bin at 2am – especially when I see him switch on a bedroom light.

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I often think like this when i was using the DSLR on the scope. Can they hear the shutter going off all night?

With a bit of experimenting, i found that i can barely hear it from the kitchen with the door open, so they wont hear it through double glazing, closed windows and being asleep. The slewing is a bit nosier, but id suggest doing the same. See if you can hear it.

But then again, even if you can hear it, what are you going to do, sell the mount so you dont annoy them?

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I'm more concerned by setting off the neighbourhood dogs, if one starts barking because I cough about 50(sounds like that many anyway) others all start barking in response.

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It matters not what your neighbours do. What matters is that your show compassion towards them. As has been suggested do a noise test and check yourself in your own home as to the noise levels.

If you think it is too loud then don't do it. The fact that some neighbours are ignorant and do not care, does not make it right for us to behave the same.

Thankfully for me the Celestron Ultima Mount is silent when tracking or slewing.


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Well, maybe I should start thinking this way...they're not from around here and I've been living here and doing my astronomy work a couple of years before they even moved in. The evil me thinks since they're not from here they don't have any right whatsoever that I change my habits just to make them happy. On the contrary, they should be more considerate and remember that shouting and loud noise in not acceptable around here.

Why would I change my life style just because I'm worried I might disturb them? I don't see them worried being in the garden shouting at each other as soon as the sun comes out until it sets. Honestly, they're like cockroaches, as soon as the sun comes out you immediately hear them in the garden. A bit of clouds or a touch of cold and they're gone back in. It's reassuring I won't see or hear them in winter - which is by the way best time of the year for astronomy...frozen fingers aside :D

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Sounds like you dont like them for no particular reason already.

Well, you tell me...living in a quiet peaceful area, then a bunch of folks move in and just screw up the system. I'm not the only one who complained by the way...

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Well I would check the noise level as suggested, and then go out and have fun with your great set up.From the sounds of things if it bothers them they will let you know-then you go from there.Bear in mind you don't have to put up with any aggresive behaviour or bullying from anyone,whether directly or by insinuation, etc.Go out and enjoy yourself.

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And I have to say this too-I HATE BULLY'S

Who doesn't?!! Even bullies hate bullies...

I don't think my neighbours are bullies, they're just idiotic and very difficult to communicate your message to them since they don't speak the language :)

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Emad the fact that you even consider other peoples harmony is a great thing and something we all should strive to do. :laugh: But on this occasion I feel you have gone to far :grin: please stop bothering yourself as to what people think, you are quite clearly a descent person and I am sure totally approachable should the need arise.

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Emad the fact that you even consider other peoples harmony is a great thing and something we all should strive to do. :laugh: But on this occasion I feel you have gone to far :grin: please stop bothering yourself as to what people think, you are quite clearly a descent person and I am sure totally approachable should the need arise.

Shaun, thanks!! I'm just thinking maybe I should move next door to you and start some window astro imaging. :D

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It would be nice to have someone with the same interests living next door :laugh: Im sure it would turn into a competition though, you already got jealous of my 9.25 and got the 11 inch :shocked::grin: :grin:

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I wondered if closing my observatory roof at some daft hour of the morning might upset my neighbours but on both sides they fortunately sleep at the front of their houses and are thus oblivious to my nocturnal pursuits.

Anyway our neighbours should be thankful that there is someone like us pottering about in the middle of the night providing a neighbourhood watch patrol.

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