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Hi from Gloucestershire (UK)


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Hi. I've just joined this site as you seem to have a thriving community of microscopists as well as astrologers... which is great. We got both directions covered. Between us, we shouldn't miss a trick :)

My company pension lump sum is about to kick in and I'm planning to rekindle my passion for microscopy by splashing out on a nice microscope. I want to spend my twilight years watching pond life eating each other. I did have an old Cooke, Troughton & Simms back in the 80s. It was a monocular with a mirror for illumination. Sadly, I had to sell it when things got a little tight. This time I'm treating myself to a trinocular so I can enjoy it in comfort and even take photos (when I've figured out how to do that properly). I think I could be just as easily drawn to astrology but, at my age, it's easier to look down than up. Besides, if I can see stars, it's bedtime... or time I learned to duck. Either way, it's the microscope that's grabbed me for now. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also looking forward to learning how to get the best out of it.

I've been enjoying reading the posts and I'm relieved to see there are enough experts here to help cover the inevitable technical problems that will crop up. Lots of brains to pick. In return, if anyone wants to know anything about.... er.... oh, I dunno... there must be something.... complaining about the kids in the park or writing letters of outrage to the press... that kinda stuff, I'm ya man. OK. I'll see if I can get good at something useful. In the meantime, I'm glad to be here.

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Thanks for the welcome, folks and I apologise for my error.. Two little words... so close and so far apart. I'll get it right from now on.

I feel distinctly unimaginative for just using my name as a username. Shows how much thought I put into it. I am suuounded by names such as "Skywatcher" and "Stargazer" and "Nebula" and so on. I should have expressed my particular passion more imaginatively in my username. I could have been.... er... "amoeba" or "slime mould" or "bugwatcher" or.... no, actually, perhaps microscopy doesn't really lend itself to interest-related usernames.

I do think a telescope is going to have to be the next indulgence on the agenda, though. I've been looking through photos on here and it would be nice to look out beyond as well as minutely within. Don't get me wrong... there's something quite exciting about watching an amoeba wrap itself around a paramecium and start digesting it without even having a digestive system to speak of... but a Super Nova it aint. The Great Infinity Beyond.... and the pond at the bottom of my garden..... tough choice! Thank God I'm retired! I can find time for both.

Ah well... for now, I can take pleasure in your posts until my own toys arrive :rolleyes:

Nice to meet you.


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Hi Ron and welcome to SGL.

I think you may be slightly confused between usernames and member titles/rankings which change depending on how many active posts you have on the site :)


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