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Sh2-115 and Abel 71 - My hunt for the obscure!


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How I love looking for the more obscure targets!

Sh2-115 is a faint emission nebula cataloged by S.Sharpless in 1959. It is located in Cygnus, just 1 and 2 degrees northwest of Deneb, the brightest star of that constellation.

Abell 71 is the designation of the small round patch of emission nebulosity to the upper right of Sh2-115. It is also known as Sh2-116 and PK85+4.1. The latter being designated as a planetary nebula, but it has more recently been described as a small patch of emission nebula.



T: Tak FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EX mono with 3nm Ha


I think there's definitely some mileage in a colour version of this.


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Great detail across the frame Sara - congratulations on finding something different as well!

That combination of 30min subs, f/3.? and the Atik camera have really hoovered up them photons :smiley:


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Thanks everyone - I am very pleased with the 3nm Astrodon filter, perhaps it is psychological!!! I need to stop flitting about the sky now and get down to some serious stuff!!!! Appreciate you looking and commenting :smiley:

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