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Going Loony

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Last night the sky was clear and the moon was big and high. Shame the seeing was awful, but you can't have everything. So heres some snaps that I took. The kit and exposure details are on Stargazrs if anyone is interested.

First off, a moody one.


(click to biggerize)

And one with the colour saturation turned up. This shows that the seas are actually made of different coloured stuff so there are probably different minerals causing the different colours.


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This one is processed but not cropped, it shows the moon with some space round it. I think it looks nice in the black.


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I had a go with the 16HR as well, getting a scratchy looking moon - lots of contrast enhancements as the full moon is fairly evenly lit.


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I went all close-up getting ready for Mars to show up, these two are on the Tal 200K. Unfortunately the seeing wouldn't let me use a Barlow.



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Vallis Alpes


(click to slightlybiggerise)

And a montage showing where the two detail close-ups are in relation to the disk.


(click to enlarge)

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Loving your work KK!

Although the moody one is great - have a few if them myself and they are really nice. I think that my favorite is the coloured one - showing the different mineral content.



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