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Hi from Down Under

Dark Matter

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Just joined this group.

My forte is Astro Photography. Been at it since 1960.

I use a variety of Eq. mounts: EQ6 Pro, Paramount GT1100 and a new Titan.

These mounts swing numerous DSLR's, a 12" F4 Newt. and a C14 fastar using an SBIG 237A CCD camera.

30 years ago I built an Eq. mount that can take up to 300kgs. This swings an Optical Mechanics (Iowa) 12" F15 c/cass which is used for lunar, planetay and astrometric work.

I run two Obs. one at home called Stuart Range Observatory and another at Maidenwell - 45 kms from Kingaroy which is an Astro Tourism business.

Being out in the rural sector of SE Qld, my skies reach Mv6.5 with seeing down at times to 0.1 arc sec. rez. With this at hand, I search for NEA's and SN.

Looking forward to reading, goating over other members photos and helping out where i can.

BTW, that EQ6 Pro can do 10 min. unguided exp. with lenses up to 80mm. Here's a photo to prove it.



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