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Hi from Glasgow


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My name is Bryan and I'm from Glasgow.

I bought my first "real" telescope at the weekend, a Meade ETX-80, it got it's first light last night in the few breaks of cloud cover above my house. :smiley:

Not a lot else to say really, although I've had a general interest in space all my life this is really my first forray into astronomy other than a bit of star gazing with a couple of cheap telescopes growing up and a rather good pair of binoculars which I bought a few years back.



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As a newbie myself how do you find the ETX 80?

Thanks for the replies everyone!

Hi Alex,

The controls on the ETX-80 are really straight forward, and it comes with a compass + bubble level eyepiece to make setting up really easy. The optics are good enough for me (having no basis for comparison), the moon was bright and clear with plenty of sharp detail. The tripod seems sturdy enough (I'm into photography, so I have a few... it is pretty solid). I've not been able to use the autostar system "in the field" yet for two reasons, a lot of patchy cloud cover last night meant most of the "initialisation stars" were obstructed and secondly and most importantly the time was not set properly so it was looking to the sky 7 minutes behind where it should have been :smiley:

I'll give an update when I get to use it properly :evil:

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Hi Bryan,


I'm from Duntocher on the outskirts of Glasgow...where abouts are you...?

There are some fellow astro guys in the surrounding area...and I along with some others are members of the Astro Society of Glasgow...

The ASG is well worth a visit if you are new to this...as was I last year...

SGL is mega helpful for all sorts of info; general to specialised...

Keep posting...



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Hi Stevie/James!

To answer your question Stevie... I live on the South Side, near Barrhead. It is quite close to Waulkmill and Bellgray resevoirs where I plan to do my viewing from.

I was checking out the ASG site yesterday, I may pop along once I have some observing nights under my belt, some of the upcoming talks sound quite interesting.

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