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Hey hey hey all clear skies friends of the world..Nice wishes to all from Netherlands.


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Hmm how to start my night people,

Nice to be here, finally decided to join a site, this one especially.

What can i say, 20 years i bought a simple newton in the city, a bresser, didnt know any about it, just set it up and one night looked outside trough the window, saw a bright star, aimed at it tough the window and shocked it was Saturn, clear as could be..Still looked more clear with that one then today with my Ed80 Vixen or any other thats funny and weird.

Sold the Scope shortly then as i had many other things to do.

Since then i been gazing up the skies till decided to start again, bought few weeks ago a few Scopes, gave a few away..trying to find the one for me..well still didnt find the right one for me.

So from that moment 20 years ago i never forgot the picture of Saturn in my head, so its true..once seeing for youreself stays a lifetime for later.

When skydiving i always looked up to be closer to things, yes shoot me on a mission to never space..

A bit about me and my being here..maybe a few friends in the making here also.

So in short, nice to meet and greet all.


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Thank you to all welcomes for me,

Yes Saturn, its up and running here at 2 am at the right angle, as is Jupiter and little bit of Mars. I have a bit the luck i live bit higher appartement and i have a 360 degree look from all sites so i can just go to the high balcony or open a window and observe....so actually seeing all objects 360 around me.

Using my Vixen ED80 for it testing it after the Williams Zstar 80ED ddg sort of same quality.

And i am sure i can learn a lot from all here..one more funny thing..i made a picture of Saturn by just holding my 8megapixel phone against the eyepiece..seems it worked better then expected..clear rings to see.

Surprised my wife with it..at 4 AM in the night waking her up... :laugh:

She liked it.

To all smilezz.


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Hi S.J. and a warm welcome from me too. Saturn, once seen is never forgotten, and what a great introduction to astonomy, Saturn is one of the wonders of the universe, look out for its largest moon, Titan, as well. I have also seen Rhea, now on the look out for more of its illustrious moons!

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hi sj and welcome to sgl. as you say saturn stays with you forever, the first time i seen it i nearly had a teer in my eye either that or something got in it, but all the same lovely. just a thought you are obviously having some great views with your scope but if you move away from the warm house and let your scope cool im sure your views will be even better

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