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Hello from Skipton, North Yorkshire


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Hello everyone, Iam a complete novice at astronomy but would like to get in to astrophotograpy. Apart from already owning a canon 350d dlsr camera Iam yet to purchase any equipment but after hours searching the web, reading reviews and reading other peoples experiencies with there set-ups i have sort of decided on a Skywatcher ED80 ds pro and HEQ5 mount. i would have to get familiar with this before i purchased any other AP kit, but Im hoping this would be a good foundation to build from!

Any advice would be very helpfull, and thanks to this site Im gaining valuble info, thanks, Sam

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Hi Sammy & welcome to SGL, thats a good way to start with AP, I'd advise you to buy Steve Richards 'making every photon count' you can get it from FLO or direct from Steve (Steppenwolf on here) its more or less the 'bible' for anyone starting out in AP & will answer any questions u may have PLUS it'll save u a lot of money by directing u to the things u need & the things u dont.Good luck.

Steve (From Harrogate :smiley: )

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Welcome to SGL

An ED80 on a HEQ5 is a good choice for AP. You don't necessarily need a whole lot more to start getting some images. I'd recommend a copy of either AstroPhotography Tool (APT) or Backyard EOS (BYE) for controlling your camera. You'll probably find you need an additional lead (as well as the USB one) to control the shutter for exposures of over 30 seconds. I'd also recommend having a read of Steve Richards book "Making Every Photon Count". It will certainly help you on the way.


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Hi Sammy, and welcome to SGL. The Skywatcher ED80 DS Pro and HEQ5 will be pukka for AP :icon_bounce: . I can also recommend 'Making Every Photon Count'; it will save you a lot of time and provide you with a good basic knowledge! Good luck & clear skies :cheesy:

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Hi Sam and welcome to the forum. Nice choice for your imaging rig and like many others above, would certainly recommend Steve Richards book as essential reading. In fact I would buy the book first before any kit in order for you to have that necessary overview to ensure you are heading in the right direction for what you want to do. :smiley:

Clear skies and look forward to seeing some of your images.


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