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Sir Patrick Moore's final episode of Sky at Night.....


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I've just noticed this posted by Pete in the Sky at Night Flickr group in response to a question about the future of the program without Patrick.

The loss of Sir Patrick Moore is a great blow and his death has left a gap both in broadcasting and the world of astronomy which will be hard to fill. We are hopeful that The Sky at Night will be able to continue, but it really is too soon at the moment to say what form that will take in the long term. In the short term, however, viewers can see the first Sky at Night of 2013 on January 6th, which features Sir Patrick in his last appearance on the programme, recorded just before his final illness.

Pete - on behalf of the Sky at Night team.

Feeling sad just reading this really, going to be a hard episode to watch without a lump in the throat I think.

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I'll be watching this with sadness but also admiration for a life well lived by Patrick.

Reading between the lines, particularly on some tweets from Chris Lintott, now is the time to really make sure the BBC understand that there is a large audience for astronomy and space programming and that they must continue The Sky At Night. Let's face it, Auntie can make some very daft decisions and they seem to be ever driven by ratings these days at the expense of their public service broadcasting remit. Let's hope this weeks extravaganza with TSaN and Stargazing Live help convince them to do the right thing.

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It will be a difficult one to watch, P Moore's books fired my interest in astronomy as a child & I was lucky enough to meet & talk to the man himself many years ago at a lecture in Harrogate. There will never be anyone like him again im afraid.

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It'll be an emotional watch I agree - but I'm sure he'd want us all to celebrate the fact he was here at all to impart the wealth of knowledge that he clearly loved gathering and sharing. Let's hope the beeb find someone as dedicated as he was to continue the cause - but he was too unique to ever be replaced and will hold a special place in our memories for all time. :)

(I'll only cry if they put Jeremy Kyle in charge lol)

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According to the BBCi Player the program is being broadcast at midnight 12.00.

Just noticed from the BBCs S@N website that both Sir Patrick and Chris Lintott are listed a 'Presenters', were as Pete. Paul and Chris North are 'Reporters'.

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I'll be raising a glass to Sir Patrick when I watch his final episode and thinking of these words from his autobiography, which was a fantastic Christmas pressie from the missus:

'Clearly I am on the last lap, but I don't mind; I think I have done most of the things I am capable of doing, and in the words of the famous song I have done things "my way."'

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Just to clarify - that's a different Pete to me (I'm Pete Lawrence btw), but the sentiment is the same. The next Sky at Night will be broadcast tonight (Sunday, Jan 6th) at midnight - details here: http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b006mk7h

It will be an emotional show for all of us but Patrick wouldn't want us moping about. He'd want us outside enjoying the stars (weather permitting!) and pushing forward the subject he loved so much - astronomy!

If any of you are doing, or have completed, the Moore Winter Marathon - don't forget to send your completed forms into the show. Details of the Marathon and where to send your results are available from our website.

Patrick's legacy is huge - let's do him proud!

Pete L.

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Personaly I think the BBC will kill the program off. Patrick was scathing about the BBC and had said to people he wasnt optimistic about the show continuing. My bet is the show will be replaced with something lighter weight fronte up by someone young and pretty and more 'street' perhaps with some articles of cool astronomy clothing to wear. Most TV these days is so vacuous and even otherwise intelligent folk seem to be obsessed with Strictly, or X Factor.

I suspect the beeb will concentrate on stuff like Stargazing Live where they can get screen time with pretty people and earn street cred points as well as using the existing stable of 'talent'........Bruce Forsyth perhaps, he's very versatile :)

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A big NO to Bruce Forsyth - "Strictly Sky At Night" Gawd help us!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

I'm sure Sir Patrick's legacy will be that he always wanted to share his knowledge to as many people as possible. The best way that we can honour his endeavour, will be to keep getting out there, doing whatever type of astronomy we love to do which in turn, will further help those who are starting off or who are thinking about taking up this great interest.

If getting youngsters involved in astronomy means that children end up watching less of the rubbish that is on television these days that it got to be a good thing.


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Just to clarify - that's a different Pete to me (I'm Pete Lawrence btw), but the sentiment is the same. The next Sky at Night will be broadcast tonight (Sunday, Jan 6th) at midnight - details here: http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b006mk7h

It will be an emotional show for all of us but Patrick wouldn't want us moping about. He'd want us outside enjoying the stars (weather permitting!) and pushing forward the subject he loved so much - astronomy!

If any of you are doing, or have completed, the Moore Winter Marathon - don't forget to send your completed forms into the show. Details of the Marathon and where to send your results are available from our website.

Patrick's legacy is huge - let's do him proud!

Pete L.

Started off well with the marathon got most of bins objects and couple telescope objects and then the weather changed not had a clear night for 5/6 weeks, now really disappointed i wanted to finish it was struggling find M1. I'm going to finish it even if i cant submit my sheets to honour the great man.
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