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Worse year ever?


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Every year since I estarted this hobby its been dire and every year people on here have said it will be better next year...they aint been right yet.

These days astro has been relegated to a hobby I do when the weather is good. Ie I have no expectations kf good skies and in fact usually make plans without reference to astro...if it happens to be clear, and I am free then I take the scope out but I dont plan to.

The one planned observing this year was at Salisbury in a tent.....solid cloud for four nights and last time I will go to Salisbury as well as the weather always seems dud there.

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This is my first year, so nothing to compare it with. I'm hoping that if this is a bad year things can only get better (or at least no worse.... .).

I must admit there have been times when I have felt like selling all my kit though and finding a more indoorsy hobby :).

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Marki...I have been there too a few times and the last few years have seen some imagers pack it in on here.

You have to see astro as something to do when the weather is good...a bit like sunbathing or glider flying. Its not a hobby for all seasons for sure.

I have bought astro kit that disnt get used for over a year because of bad weather and a spell where I had a really top class Rumak on test but never once got a good night to use it.

My advise is take up a second hobby that you can do when the weather is dud.

Someone more knowledgeable than me said that in the UK you only get something like 10 nights a year in the UK on average for DSOs between the weather and full moons etc.

I can believe it. Last yearI was out probably less than 20 times all year and that included a weekend away in Exmoor.

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These days astro has been relegated to a hobby I do when the weather is good. Ie I have no expectations kf good skies and in fact usually make plans without reference to astro...if it happens to be clear, and I am free then I take the scope out but I dont plan to.

Spot on - could not have put it better myself! What does get frustrating is when its clear during the day and you get that excited feeling only for it to cloud over half an hour before its dark !!! Doh...

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Spot on - could not have put it better myself! What does get frustrating is when its clear during the day and you get that excited feeling only for it to cloud over half an hour before its dark !!! Doh...

That's happened to me loads of times. It annoys me more than anything else! :BangHead:

Just saw the weather on BBC Breakfast. When they showed the weather for tomorrow there was a very clear dividing line of 2 different weathers. Cloudy and clear. I am on the cloudy side, obviously. Just to add insult to injury, the weather girl said "Look at all that nice, clear blue sky!" :mad:

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Anyone think of a worse year than 2012 for weather for enjoying our collective interest? Cloudy yet again tonight :( Dear me....

Yep, I'm living in the south of Ireland and the weather has been frustrating overall, but other circumstances (mostly work, and the lack of a car) prevented me to observe or image as I've been dreaming of when I got my 200P.

However, this year I've been able to observe for the first time (and managed to image) the planet Mars. I've also had great, amazing (sporadic) views of Saturn, Venus and the Moon. It's been also OK for some first-time white-light sun imaging but I had no luck with any kind DSO.

Hopefully the new season and the 2013 will give me better chances! :)

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However, this year I've been able to observe for the first time (and managed to image) the planet Mars.

Actually, this is a good attitude to have. It's makes a change and I should look a bit more positively at things.

I too saw and *cough* imaged *cough* imaged Mars for the first time, Imaged the Milky Way for the first time, I saw the Venus transit from a spectacular location, got some really nice new bits of kit and am embarking on the ATM side of things.

Sure the weather has been rubbish and I think the lack of any good skies in Belgium is wearing me down but it's better to look at it with a more positive attitude.

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Actually, this is a good attitude to have. It's makes a change and I should look a bit more positively at things.

I too saw and *cough* imaged *cough* imaged Mars for the first time, Imaged the Milky Way for the first time, I saw the Venus transit from a spectacular location, got some really nice new bits of kit and am embarking on the ATM side of things.

Sure the weather has been rubbish and I think the lack of any good skies in Belgium is wearing me down but it's better to look at it with a more positive attitude.

:cheesy: it can't be worse then the (2012's) Irish Weather :D

And oh yeah, I forgot to mention the transit of Venus :) I also *cough* imaged *cough* it with my DSLR (no lens or filters involved), as well as the Orion Nebula (camera only),

but I guess that was at the end of 2011, when I had some sort of accessible backyard.

And now I wish to do even more :)

Clear Skies :angel11:

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This year has had a major effect on my hobby. Mg gear has had so little use that I decided I can't justify having it lying around unused, so nearly all my Televue ep's have been sold and I'm getting rid of the Dob and the frac replacing with two pairs on binos and a tripod. Extreme grab n go and not massively expensive when not in use plus the 10x50's can be used on family walks.

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This year hasn't been great, but I doubt it's been dramatically worse than previous years.

I have a fairly laid back attitude to my observing and know that through a combination of weather and family committments my observing time is limited. I do get a little frustrated missing clear nights but just try to make the most of the time I get. Often that will be with binos or the 66mm for a quick half hour or so on relatively familiar targets.

I have built up my kit over a number of years, and try to think of it as dead money. I intend to keep it no matter what, unless something really disastrous happens financially. I may swap some ep's to refine my collection, and may add a large dob in a few years.

My thoughts are, just chill out and don't stress too much, the stars aren't going anywhere so just enjoy the slowly changing skies over many years. I guess I see it as a marathon, albeit an enjoyable one, not a sprint to achieve everything in the shortest time.



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Started off pretty brilliantly this year but the latter half has been pants due to cloud and increase local light pollution. It doesn't help having an extra odd stacked against what can be a very frustrating hobby.

WARNING - never try "cost of astro equipment / hours of use" unless you won't an unpleasant shock :eek: BTW - I'm happy with 2012. It could have been better but still 3 months to go :grin:
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Same here in the Azores. Had about 10 sessions this year. The only good thing is that 3 of them where excelent moonless nights. I was able to do sessions of 4 hours+ on each of those nights and bag around 90 Herschel objects total.

The plan was to get an HEQ5 for XMas but with the bad weather I'm going to get a guitar instead. At least it can be played regardless of the weather! ;)

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I just read a news story that one British Wine Producer has written off the entire harvest due to the poor weather this year, leaving it with below par grapes. As astronomers that should not come as a surprise to any of us.

Perhaps we will be lucky and have a dry, clear winter....

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