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Hi from Suffolk


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Having been reading this site avidly for the last couple of months, I thought it only polite to join and thank everyone for the great advice I've read here on choosing my 1st scope (a Skyliner 200p), which I am picking up this Friday (sorry to those in the east of England for the cloud banks that will roll in for the next month from Friday night :smiley: ) .

I've been interested in Astronomy ever since I spent a night 15 or so years ago on holiday in the Tunisian Sahara, a hundred miles from any light, staring up at the milkyway (which looked like a river of stars above me), and wishing I knew what the heck I was looking at. Unfortunatly between golf, fishing, a premiership season ticket and North Londons night skies I never had the time, money or viewing to give it a go.

Now having moved to a Village near Bury St Edmunds 4 years ago, I've got rid of the Season ticket, and knocked Golf on the head. So looking for a new hobby and with the dark skies I'm fortunate to have, I have spent a number of nights over the last couple of months armed with some binoculars, a reclining chair , a star map (and an occasional medicinal bourbon), staring up at the heavens trying to put a name to some constellations/stars (hmm that cant be Polaris its too dim!). Now armed with a little knowledge I'm looking forward to taking the next step.

Sorry about the stupid questions that I'm bound to ask over the coming months and thanks in advance for your patient answers.

All the best


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Hi Lee and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on choosing a great scope and it will certainly provide a 'different' view to that seen with your binoculars or to put it another way, one that is a bit moorish. :grin: The standard eyepieces that come with the scope aren't bad either and will certainly keep you going till you find your feet. With regard to possibility of you asking silly questions I would disagree that its possible, as every question that you ask that helps you advance your understanding a little bit further is a valid and worthwhile question - that's not to say that you might not get some daft answers (....I should know as I have written some in my time) so ask away and you might be surprised.

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum :icon_salut:


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Hi Lee, welcome to SGL :) That's an excellent choice of scope and you'll get many hours of fun out of it. If you need any pointers there's always someone here to help. There's nothing we can do about the cloud though ;)

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Thanks for the warm welcome.

I seem to be reading a lot about dew shields, flocking, Bobs Knobs and Collimation, none of which meant a thing to me a few weeks ago and to be honest not much more now :laugh: .

I've also keep peeking into the world of EP's (i know! a bad mistake before I've even picked the scope up), and trying to hold off temptation.

I'm off out to lunch now to pick up a foam camping mat and some velcro. :eek:

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