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A quick Orion wide field, before dawn on 19th Sept.


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Not sure if I've done this justice or not, but it was just a quick one before the Sun rose


Orion Belt and Sword region by appyaardvark, on Flickr

Orion Belt and Sword region

NGC2024 Flame Nebula

IC434 Horsehead Nebula

NGC1981 Open Cluster

NGC1977 Running Man



M43 and M42 Great Orion Nebula

19th Sept., 2012. Wiltshire.

50mins total exposure (10 x 5mins)

Camera: Full spectrum modified Canon 450D & Astronomik CLS filter

Lens: Canon 200mm L F2.8 II USM @F4, ISO400

Guidescope: Skywatcher ST80

Guide camera: QHY5 mono

Mount: Losmandy G11 w/Ovision worm, Gemini controlled

Cartes du Ciel, PHD guiding, ImagesPlus, PS CS3



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Great shot and very interesting :) This is an area I plan to tackle soon - running a bit late in the night ATM. Mind you by the time we get another clear night it might be well be much earlier :D

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Great shot and very interesting :) This is an area I plan to tackle soon - running a bit late in the night ATM. Mind you by the time we get another clear night it might be well be much earlier :D

After having a miserable night with failed attempts at IC1396 and my dew zapper falling off my 200mm lens during my attempt at M45, I was about to give up, when I noticed Orion rising above the trees :grin:

Yes, looking at the recent forecasts, it will be well into October when I have a clear night and I'm not working a night shift :sad:



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Yup, this is the great-great-GREAT widefield target because we all know and love the Horsey and M42 and seeing them together is the stuff of dreams.

Coats on, winter's here! (Still in shorts actually but you'll have your revenge in the UK when the minus teens hit us...)

Get more data, you'll have a ball.


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That's a wonderful image Paul. The 200mm lens certainly does the business. I look forward to giving this a go this winter.

Just one thing puzzles me, the diffraction spikes are at a different angle on the two sides of the image?


You and me both Dave, they are also more prominent in one axis, another mystery to me. I will try and stop it down and see if that makes a difference, or perhaps an aperture ring. Will be interesting to see if I get the same effect with the 100mm F2 and 314L+ OSC (when I order it next month) :tongue:

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