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Greetings from Norwich


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Hi everyone,

I have been a member for a while now and have got plenty of good advice from the site so I figured it was about time I introduced myself, particularly now the nights are getting longer and the itch that only stargazing scratches has returned after its summer hibernation.

So, a bit of my astronomy history. I got into the hobby in my teens, but only able to afford a cheap refractor I could observe the moon and not much else. My interest then waned over my university years.

About six years ago I rented a house on the edge of the city next to a golf course, and being just that little further out from the city lights really helped: I was amazed on the first clear night when I looked up and could see more stars than I had for years. It inspired me to get back into the hobby, so after much research and setting a realistic budget I bought an 8” Dobsonian and spent many hours with it out in the garden.

Since I bought my own place, by necessity back within the city lights, the viewing has been less easy. The skies around me now do suffer from light pollution although it’s not as bad as it could be. However, I have friends out in deepest darkest Norfolk who let me use their back garden from time to time which really helps.

I have now changed to a Skywatcher 200mm on an equatorial mount with plans to get into astrophotography. As luck would have it I already own a Phillips SPC900NC webcam, which looking through these forums seems to be a good one to use. Just need to do the modifications.


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Are you in Norwich, which part, there is a lot of it these days.

Also look up the Astro Club there, they have a site south of the city that is pretty dark. Not overly easy to find in the dark so if possible make a triop out during daylight to have some idea of the location.


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