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To take a scope or not


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Hi all ,

Im off to Cornwall for a week on Saturday and can't seem to make my mind up as to take scope or make do with binos...

The cars gonna be full with the associated stuff neede for the week , Plus the mrs and the psychotic cocker spaniel

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Was going to suggest "Take the scope - if you get good skies you'll be looking up and wishing you had it with you!"

But, you'll be passing near Exeter right? The home of the newest astronomy retailer in the South West......there's that rumour about the quality of their coffee too...sounds to me like an excuse to "accidentally" drop by .......


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Take the scope! The skies can be incredibly dark in Cornwall and on a good night you'll be amazed at what you can see. I've seen the tiny Leo triplet galaxies through an 80mm refractor (ST80). If you've got the space to take the scope, I don't think you'll be disappointed, weather permitting! Oh to be down there this week......But then again, sweeping through the Milky Way with binos at this time of year is a treat......


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A couple of observations and questions:

Your SW scope looks to be about the same as my Celestron refractor in dimensions. The tripod and counter weights are a bit bulky (which is why i love to hate my Celestron). The tube is about 3ft long?.

Q1: Any chance of sending the wife to her sisters for the week?

Q2: Just how big is the cocker?.

Ive owned 2 and they really dont take up much space.

Take both the bins and scope. The bins really dont take up much room. Let the dog wear them around its neck for the journey.

Sorry, i'm just being stupid. Seriously though in my heart i know you should take the scope.

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Hi all ,

Im off to Cornwall for a week on Saturday and can't seem to make my mind up as to take scope or make do with binos...

The cars gonna be full with the associated stuff neede for the week , Plus the mrs and the psychotic cocker spaniel

cant you put the mrs and the dog on a roof wrack [leaves more room for 2 scopes ]
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It's a take the scope vote from me too!

If I went away and had perfect skies whilst my telescope was at home I would be gutted!

Sods law though. A couple of yrs ago i took a Travelscope70 to Lanzarote in the month of August and it was cloudy every night for the whole time i was there.

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When I went down to Devon (Sidmouth) last month for nearly two weeks, even though we only had a few clear nights, the skies were so dark I really wished I had a scope that was small enough to bring (taking the Heritage not collapsed is nearly impossible without a car, especially bad if you have to go on two trains plus the London Underground). I only had the binoculars, the skies were beautiful and I really missed not having the scope.

When I came back, the skies were clear, but so orange compared to Sidmouth, seriously, take a scope!

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@ Luke skywatcher damn good suggestions mate I'll suggest it to the mrs in the morning.

@ mike73 I'm staying about ten miles further down the road from bude , it's great cos when it's dark you can't see a thing out the window and then you look up and wow

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I'm staying not far from boscastle and a bit more in land , no street lights so fingers crossed the skies will be favourable . Sorted my kit last night and bravely told the mrs the scope is going as I legged it out the door to work this morning :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

well im back alive and in one piece( and so is the scope)

what can i say about dark skies but oh my god!!!!!

wether with the naked eye or using the bins it was fantastic and the scope worked better than id hoped.

as im well new to this lark i still havent worked out what ways what properly and nor do i know what all the bright bits are but to actually see the milky way in such splendour and the andromeda galaxy with the naked eye, then bins and then scope was cracking and has only made me wanna learn more. :lol:

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