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Wow, just wow! (Oh, and a first light report…)


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I read the weather report on Sunday afternoon that said my local weather would be cloudy Monday morning, mostly cloudy in the afternoon and changing to MOSTLY CLEAR from 10pm onwards, so I was giddy all day at work as I noticed the clouds getting fewer and fewer each time I went out for a cigarette break.

I watched the footie then a bit later I popped to the back door for a cig, it was starting to very slightly darken outside, I couldn’t see any stars, but I couldn’t see any clouds either! I was getting really excited by this point. I could see some wispy clouds in the area, but nothing major.

After finishing my cigarette I stood at the back door just looking up at the sky, waiting, and hoping the clouds would stay away, then I caught a glimpse of something. A star! It was dim but it was there. Being new to this I got my phone out and fired up SkEye to see which star it was I was seeing; it must have been a bright one. Sure enough, it was, it was in fact Vega I was staring at.

I ran in and got my bins out and pointed up towards Vega and noticed a few more faint stars around it; they were now popping up everywhere, dim but there; not so much with the naked eye but my bins didn’t have a problem assuring me there were there and not a trick of the light.

I then proceeded to spend a good half hour just stood there scanning the sky with the bins firmly part of my eyes. A few clouds interrupted play every now and then, but nothing major; I was having a great time just scanning!

I was so engrossed that actually took me a while to remember Saturn was in my area (I checked the night before on SkEye!). So I fired up SkEye again and searched for Saturn, sure enough it was there on the screen, just up and to my right. I point the phone in that direction and get a circle right where a very bright “star” was. That must be Saturn!

Stars are now encompassing the whole sky so I decide it’s time to get the big guns out and finally have my scope outside!

I race inside and eagerly grab the base of my 200p, banging it on seemingly every protruding surface on the way out, and place in dead in the middle of the patio with a clear view of Saturn. I race back in to get the OTA, being more careful not to bang this, and carefully assemble it outside and put my stock 25mm EP in. Ready!

I point the scope in the general direction of the brightest star I could see, Vega, and look through the finderscope and see nothing but blurs. Oops, I forgot I’d not aligned or focussed the finder! Luckily that was a painless enough process, I pointed it at Vega and got it in focus and dead in the middle of crosshairs then looked in the scope EP and wow, not bad, just off to the left and a little high. A few twiddles of the finder’s screws and bang, Vega dead in the middle of both. All well and good, but I wanted to look at Saturn! Considering this was my first ever view through a telescope, I actually didn’t take much notice of my view of Vega; only one thing was on my mind at this point.

I rotated the scope to the right and pointed it at Saturn and looked view the finderscope. I small nudge left and bang, in the middle. I was very excited, and actually physically shaking at this point.

I slowly move to the EP and look in…I see a very bright dot, much like Vega really. Must be out of focus. I twiddle the focusser, nope now blurry. I make it sharp again; still just a bright dot. I could clearly see Saturn, but it was just a bright dot. Ah it must be the EP, I’ve only got my 25mm in, I need my 10mm in to see the rings! I swap them over and eagerly look in.

I was disappointed.

Still just a (now bigger) bright dot.

I’d seen images all over the internet from people claiming the images were from a 200p, you could see Saturn, the rings and even the Cassini gap! Maybe my scope wasn’t as good as I thought. Fair to say my enthusiasm was dwindled by now.

I got SkEye back up and had a look around for something to catch my eye; since Saturn was a disappointment I needed a fix again.

I wave the phone in the air and notice Saturn on the phone screen was a bit right and down than it was before. But my scope is pointing at Saturn, my scope is not pointing where my phone is…

I see too dim starts where my phone says Saturn is, one above the other. Nah, Saturn isn’t dim. My phones wrong.

What the hell, I’ve got nothing to lose.

I point the scope at the new, dim “Saturn” and nonchalantly gaze in to the EP, I’d already seen stars, wasn’t that bothered.


I felt a shudder; my jaw dropped. Bang in the middle of my EP was a beautiful, big, round, orange dot, with a ring round it. I did a double take. Nope, still there.

I’m quite embarrassed to say actually got quite emotional at that point, and had tears in my eyes. This was the best thing I’d ever seen; it was truly breathtaking. Saturn. SATURN. I’m looking at Saturn! Live! For real!

I literally spent the rest of the night just lovely staring at it, just drooling and still getting Goosebumps (even now, writing this).

It turns out the first “Saturn” I’d see was just a bright star, the name Spica springs to mind, but I might be wrong.

Eventually it went too low and a house got in the way, so I reluctantly packed up and went to bed (1am by this point!)

I really can’t wait to see it again (and possibly some other sights, I got a bit side tracked last night lol)


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Well Russ i'm glad you wrote this as i must have been looking at the same star as you last night mistaking it for Saturn and also felt a little disappointed!!!

I can't wait now for the next clear night so i can have another try at Saturn.

Great report Russ and its got me going again now after been in the dumps all morning over last night :grin:

Whats your thoughts on the stock EPs??

I nearly got a new 8mm BST Explorer today,but resisted,just :shocked:

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Well Russ i'm glad you wrote this as i must have been looking at the same star as you last night mistaking it for Saturn and also felt a little disappointed!!!

I can't wait now for the next clear night so i can have another try at Saturn.

Great report Russ and its got me going again now after been in the dumps all morning over last night :grin:

Whats your thoughts on the stock EPs??

I nearly got a new 8mm BST Explorer today,but resisted,just :shocked:

lol, funny you say that, guess what I ordered about an hour or so ago? :D

I'm not really in a position to say, but on first use of the 25mm I was impressed; nice sharp images, just a little fuzzy towards the edge, but the 10mm was somewhat disappointing (hence me ordering the 8mm BST straight away). Poor eye relief (and I don't wear glasses); I kept either getting black spots or missing half the image. It also seemed quite blurry millimetres from the edge. Not so good.

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Very nice report there Russ and one we can all share im sure, all those emotions and such you had you could have been talking about me too haha I did a lap of honour around the garden when I first clapped on it and like you spent the rest of the night just staring at it.

Every time I get a chance now Saturn is the first thing I look at everytime, I want to make the most of the time its in our sky's.

Happy hunting mate! and look forward to hearing more :)



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Brilliant Russ.

The 25mm i thought was pretty good as i was just scanning round the skies,even saw the ISS zoom past my FOV,made me jump.

I didn't bother looking for anything specifically as i was just trying to see how my attempt at collumating was,and think it was ok??

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Hi Russ, it really is stunning seeing Saturn for the first time, I had exactly he same feelings on my first time, it is amazing you're watching one of our planets live and in the flesh. I don't know if you managed to make out any detail, but the Cassini division is visible, also on good nights the shadow of the rings on the surface is something to behold.

The star you mention was almost certainly Spica, it is pretty close to Saturn at the moment, so easy mistake to make.

Keep up the good work, you have some amazing sights ahead, and I bet it won't be long before you are saying 'WOW' again.

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Great report Russ, I too was also really excited to see a clear sky last night, must have been the first in a month! I should really have been a) getting ready for bed and B) packing to go away but i couldn't resist; negotiated with the other half that if I stayed up late, we could get another load of washing done lol.

Saturn is very much my go-to object to look at, last night I found my first DSO but I couldn't pack up until I'd observed Saturn as well (which conveniently positioned itself so that I could casually sit back in a camping chair and enjoy it).

I've been enjoying following your questions and discussions about eyepieces too (I'm not stalking you, honest!) and I've got a couple of EPs on order which I can't wait to get playing with - no doubt more cloud penance is required!


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Excellent write up :). Saturn is absolutely magnificent, no doubt about it when you actually see it! I'm not ashamed to say I had tears in my eyes the first time I saw it too - glad its not just me :grin: !

Supposed to be clear tonight ..... !

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Hi Russ,

That is a great first light report, I can feel the emotion go from disappointment to untold joy.

With the scope you have you're in for some great nights., keep us posted.

Just a point, you might find it an advantage to put your scope out when it looks like a good night in order for it to cool, you will get better views that way.

Good luck.

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Beautifully written account. I was completely engrossed. (You should be a writer, if you're not already!)

Well done on your excellent first light. Saturn is the perennial 'oh wow' and never ceases to fill me with awe and emotion.

Let us know what you see next!


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Thanks for the great feedback, but I must apologise for the typos, I did speelchock ( :) ) but it misses words that are spelt correctly but are totally out of context lol

For example:

"I literally spent the rest of the night just lovely staring at it" doesn't even make sense lol (obviously should have been lovingly haha)

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Great report.

I woke my girlfriend + youngest daughter up at 1am when I first saw Saturn such was my excitement + I wanted it to share it with them!

Tried that.

It doesn't go down too well does it!

Nice one Russ

If Saturn doesn't choke you up you've got the wrong hobby.

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Just wait till you get the 8mm BST on that bad boy, it'll be just like seeing it for the first time all over again! The difference is outstanding, I know this because I have almost identical kit ;) I also have a TAL x2 barlow which is a massive improvement over the stock one you get with the 200p. Be warned though, add a barlow and things move past the ep very quickly. You're in for a treat when Jupiter comes back to a viewable area of the sky!

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