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Who has got clear skies predicted for tonight ?


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It's looking promising here in the Midlands too. I think I'm going to risk the chance of the clouds rolling back in and take the scope out to cool. Am I attracting the clouds? Gotta be worth a go eh ;)

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It's looking promising here in the Midlands too. I think I'm going to risk the chance of the clouds rolling back in and take the scope out to cool. Am I attracting the clouds? Gotta be worth a go eh :eek:

Just looked out here - I can see a few of the brighter stars, but its that weather phenomenon worse than proper cloud - its misty ! ;)

even Venus is a big bright splodge. yuck.

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Why would you need to worry about what's in the polar finder?

If you can't be sure you're looking at Dubhe though, it might make things easier if you choose a different star. Arcturus might be a good bet, since it's too bright to be easily confused with anything else? Do you have an optical finder, or an RDF?


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I've given up! Poor conditions, some very whispy high cloud drifting around. Moon just coming up so this cloud is far too illuminated! SO scope in, beer opened!

Did get a reasonable look at saturn so not a total waste!

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Well I managed an hour before the mist got the better of me. Had some lovely views of Saturn, I could make out the Cassini Division which I was really pleased with, looked at Mars but couldn't make out too much due to the misty atmosphere (although I THINK I could just about make out the polar ice caps) but it was too misty to go for anything else, even the moon was too obscured by thick mist.

But, for the first decent play since I had the scope I'm more than happy ;)

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I'm looking at our ringed friend right now. It's the first time I've had a proper look at Cassini, and the first time I've been out in over a month. New EP and Barlow working beautifully, and it's not too cold either.

Hopefully the haze will have lifted by the time this monstrous moon appears fully over the houses.

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