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Good evening from Dorset


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And a rather foggy evening it is too! So, as I can't get out to admire the sky tonight (and as the Mrs is fast asleep on the sofa, bless her) thought I'd stop lurking and sign up..

Have been making do with some ratty old Greenkat binos that my Grandad gave me 30 years ago. Finally got into Astronomy fairly recently though if I'm honest and was delighted to find Andromeda and the Great Nebula in Orion through those same ratty binos recently. Might have to bite the bullet and invest in a telescope however, IF I can get it past the Bank Manager (see my opening paragraph - she does occasionally wake up).

Thankfully I live out in glorious suburbia and have a fairly long garden away from main roads, so I get a pretty low level of light pollution. Also, if I really want to see things properly, I don't have to travel too far to enjoy some seriously dark skies.

Background stuff - although I live down in beautiful Dorset in the UK, i'm originally from the equally beautiful Northumberland and my other big passions in life are my beloved Newcastle United (no known cure) and some relatively avant-garde music.

Right - I'm off to dribble over scopes on eBay and pore over plans to make a Dobsonian. I might even kid myself that I'll make one at some point!

Looking forward to getting to know you all. ;)

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hi,and welcome you'll find everyone on here pretty helpful if you've any questions no matter how daft you think they are just ask,no-one will think it's a stupid question, we've all been there.I bought my first scope this xmas,before that i'd been a bino observer for forty years so it's never too late to start

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Welcome aboard!

Dorset is my favourite part of the country with Portland and Abbotsbury being the best spots for me. Planning to retire to Burton Bradstock is a standing family joke.

Ask away with questions, there are no stupid ones, just stupid answers.



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Hi Geogaddi and welcome to the lounge, I would suggest dont rush to buy especially from eBay, do some research on your chosen viewing preference before considering which scope to buy and if in doubt ask for help on SGL.

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Welcome Geogaddi.

You are in a nice part of the world. I've spent quite a few summers camping on the Purbeck peninsula near, Harmans Cross. The skies are fantastic as I'm sure you know. Milky Way clear as anything, Andromeda galaxy easily naked eye. I shall be down again in August no doubt ;), scopes in the car too.


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Welcome Geogaddi.

You are in a nice part of the world. I've spent quite a few summers camping on the Purbeck peninsula near, Harmans Cross. The skies are fantastic as I'm sure you know. Milky Way clear as anything, Andromeda galaxy easily naked eye. I shall be down again in August no doubt ;), scopes in the car too.


Was walking over the Purbecks just last Sunday, down by Worth Matravers. Nice pint in the Square & Compass ;)

Thanks for all the welcome messages everyone, and fear not - while I'm watching eBay, I'm not diving straight in. Money is definitely at a premium, so I don't want to throw it at any old rubbish.

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I'm also from Dorset, and i also have some awesome Greenkats!

I recieved some fancy hawke 8x42s for xmas, but i still like the 12x50 greenkats sometimes. For now they're my solar binoculars. ;)

Welcome to the forums, have fun with the bins. Download stellarium if you haven't already done so, then get back to thinking about your first scope.

Took me about 3 months after my first outing with the binos to getting my scope. Fortunately a guy from my local astro group lent me a 90mm frac to get on with. Really glad he did, without it i'm not entirely sure i'd have stuck with it tbh. But now i have my 200p, and i'm hooked for life. ;)

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Was walking over the Purbecks just last Sunday, down by Worth Matravers. Nice pint in the Square & Compass ;)

Hi, Geogaddi, and welcome to SGL from yet another Dorset lad.

There are a couple of us who occasionally get together in the car park at the top of Grange Hill for some dark sky observing - unfortunately, clear skies and no moon don't often go together!

Also, have you checked out this - they usually meet at Turf Hill?

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