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The true Cost to the beginner - a salutory tale

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Is that somewhere off the Heads of Valley Road?

If it is, I might just pop along or I'll make the next one - give me a heads up when that is, please.

You'll recognise me, I'll be walking with me hands in pockets whilst the wife carries the scope on her back.


Hi David- on the main page- look down and you'll see a sub section with various local groups - pick out S Wales and all the details are on the threads on that group - it will be a first time for me to be honest but looking forward to it - be good if you could make it - skies permitting of course

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To be honest - unlike a lot of other hobbies I guess- theres very few recurring costs now- yes I guess eventually I'll want a bigger scope- perhaps A/P gear but I can honestly say - I can't think of anything else I need now- so from here on in just petrol and coffee - how many other hobbies can you say that about.

It won't take long. It might be 6 months, it might be 12, but you can guarantee that you'll be looking to change stuff soon enough - and it will usually be more expensive than whatever you had last time.

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I haven't even took the lenses off my Telescope yet and i've spent £2000+ lol.

CPC 800 - £1500

Celestron Powertank - £90

Celestron Eye Filer Kit - £150

AstroZapp Dew Shield - £30

Starry Night Pro Plus 6 - £150

Celestron Serial 2 USB - £35

Sky Safari 3 Pro - £25

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You think astronomy is expensive. My 8" Dob, 32mm skywatcher EP, Baader zoom, Cheshire, Rigel star finder wouldn't even pay for one of my bikes major service this year !!

lol - if you're going to buy a Ducati - I have no sumpathy for you :D

Nice bike BTW.

I'm not going to add mine up - the bank would cry.

It really is as expensive as you want it to be.

Am sure there are a few guys here that do, look up costs of setting & keeping a reef tank & a pair of clowns - now that is expensive - but the cost for things is now (to keep them going), not at payday.

Say's her that's just bought a TAL barlow & about to get new mount ............. :(

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Tell me about it.....

£2400 for SCT (brand new)

£115 for 2 inch diagonal (brands new)

£285 Nagler (brand new)

£230 35mm Pan (used)

£180 PM (used)

£120 8mm Rad (used)

£86 Storage box for scope

£85 for Gorilla truck to transport ti all to the back of my estate

£50 battery

£20 for bits for Denver chair.

Over £3500 and still not done (want refractor, GEM, AP stuff etc though can wait a while for that stuff)

If my wife knew she would kill me. That's why we have separate bank accounts even after being married for 15 years and three daughters ;-)

BTW - I am keen road cyclist too and that costs an equal fortune to fund!

Hey, you live once right? Mortgage is now paid off and I am well paid. It will all get spent on elderly care when I am old and in need of care in 40 years if i put it in the bank anyway so stuff it, let's live a little :D

Cheers, Steve

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It's this blumming forum that does it! I could have spend £40 on one form Jessops and been perfectly happy, but since reading on here what's actually out there the budget keeps rising!

That's right, this is my last post on here, its a very blokey gadet kinda site. I wish you all the very best and hope you all can spend your way into happinest.

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Telescope - £730

Powertank - £50

Moon Filter - £10

Cheshire - £30

Webcam £52

Barlow - £30

Total £902.

Cost of my current phone with 12 month contract £844. In 5 years time I expect I'll still be getting good use out of my telescope equipment, my phone will be long long gone.

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It may seem expensive but for a main hobby its quite cheap.

My main hobby it computer engineering and applications and as a main hobby i can spend quite a bit on a computer, the last big spend was £3k and that was building a computer with top spec components and it will last you about 5 years unless you are a pure techno junikie who needs the newest tech every other month.

So when you look at it its not a bad price :D however if like me looking at the stars and planets is sort of a second hobby I am wanting to start (help with stress release) and i have a budget of £300 - £400 which the dob 200p is looking very nice for the price :( and if I want to add onto it I have time as i need to learn how everything works from finding the stars navigating them etc :)

No hobby is cheap these days you just need to look at what you can afford etc :)

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It's scary when I total up what's on the wishlist.

When people ask how much my telescope cost, I'm totally honest;

I just don't tell them the mount and accessories were extra !

I've just started building an obsevatory to try and maximise the use out of all this gear.

One good night a month makes it all worth it.

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It's scary when I total up what's on the wishlist.

When people ask how much my telescope cost, I'm totally honest;

I just don't tell them the mount and accessories were extra !

I've just started building an obsevatory to try and maximise the use out of all this gear.

One good night a month makes it all worth it.

i have excellent views from where i am but for me to take full advatage i would need to convert my loft into an open observatory which would cost quite a bit :) hovever One part of the house has a flat roof and could be used for observing :D

Main problem i have is the street lamps , i have a few near the house so only a few places i can use for viewing without the lights hindering me.

What we should do is ask the council to switch of a certain percentage of street lights to allow a growing member of the public to be able to view the stars in all its glory :(

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£130 for a 2nd hand SW 130 Parabolic motorised

£16 for "turn left at Orion".....

Mates for driving me, years ago to Devon for bodyboarding/camping

me "stargazing" and getting them to lay down and look.

Now mates asking to borrow the scope....

Price less, well they bring beers/food. I've broken even :D

Richarddownunder - I feel your pain. Moore's law's hit ya

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It's amazing how many friends say they have more than a passing interest, but have no idea of what is needed or the cost. After mentioning it while getting my hair cut, the hair dresser sprang up and got out a star chart under the counter. He hadn't worked out how to use it.

Stood outside the other night and the neighbours kids wandered round to borrow some chairs. Asked what we were doing. I showed them Orions Nebula and Jupiter and they were amazed enough to tell their parents about the experience.....and they are teenagers (gasps).

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It's amazing how many friends say they have more than a passing interest, but have no idea of what is needed or the cost. After mentioning it while getting my hair cut, the hair dresser sprang up and got out a star chart under the counter. He hadn't worked out how to use it.

Stood outside the other night and the neighbours kids wandered round to borrow some chairs. Asked what we were doing. I showed them Orions Nebula and Jupiter and they were amazed enough to tell their parents about the experience.....and they are teenagers (gasps).

So you've passed the spending curse onto the neighbors- I bet they'll love you lol :D

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