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Modest hello from CZ


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Hello to all stargazers,

I have registered to SGL a while back searching for some information and have been silently listing through it since, so I thought I could leave a few words about myself.

Being interested in astronomy and "space n' stuff" since I was a young chap with an appalling cheap 60mm refractor - that I got rid of in exchange for an HDD - I have decided to join your lot once again a couple of months back when I bought myself a second-hand SW 114/900 EQ2 reflector.

Since then, I have tried to upgrade my equipment a bit with some new eyepieces (SW WA 6mm for plantetary observing + TS 17mm ERFLE 70° for DSO - love it), #96 and #80A filters (for enhancing solar (with Baader Astrosolar filter, obviously), planteray and lunar observing), a new SW 8x50 RACI finder (to replace the former hidious plastic awfulness SW call "a finder", now I can at least decently star-hop) and to compensate for the floppiness of the EQ2 mount, a SW motor-focuser fitted DIY style (best mod so far) and some steel elements replacing the weakspots of the EQ2, machined by a gunsmithm (as a favour). Regreasing the scope also helped.

Apart from the above mentioned, to help me navigate though the sky, I have an approx. 40 year-old pair of soviet-made binoculars (having БПЦ 7x50 Made in USSR and all on it) which I am genuinly proud of. Sounds terrible, I know, but they seem to have decent quality optics, being, if not better, than equal to my dad's 3 y.o. hunting binoculars, costing the equivalent of 150£.

Since re-entering the hobby, I have been able to get some pretty pleasant views of the Solar system and of DSOs as well to my surprise, despite the modest 4,5" aperture, all thanks to, I reckon, three main factors:

1) the kit upgrades I have made

2) constantly fiddling with the collimation to the perfection

3) an emergency airfield serving as my observing spot - no light, minimal light pollution, unobstructed view and pretty dark sky.

DSOs that impressed me the most so far include M11 Wild Ducks, C/2009 P1 Garradd close to M71 recently, M63, M31+M32+M110, M27, M57, M13, M17 Omega Nebula, NGC 6934 (which was a surprise), M81+M82, NGC 6572 (I was chuffed to see some colour in an DSO) and NGC 869+NGC 884 The Double Cluster + a quite a few globular and open clusters.

Also, it was a treat to see the discs of Uranus and Neptune for the first time, as well as the GRS and quite a few other details on Jupiter's surface. Being able to compare an apparent sizes of Gallilean moons is also nice. Saturn has managed to avoid me this season but I'll sure teach him a lesson next time :) Mars is still too small and too low to observe some details with my scope.

Still, I loved stargazing, recent re-entry confirmed that I still do and hopefully, I'll stick around it in the future. Even my girlfriend seems to like it (as long as I'm not out with her into small hours, trying to show her some blurry, ghostly blobs, by which she is completely underwhelmed), yet, she loves looking at the Jupiter and the Moon every bit as I do. However, I have already noticed that I am interested in visual observation only so no astrophotography plans here.

The reason I join you here at the SGL is that, even though there are some amateur astronomy forums for the Czech community, I have decided to join you lot as well, as you all seem to provide a certain detached view that I miss in domestic forums, if you know what I mean. And, oddly enough, I prefer english :(

Still, I hope you will approve of some stranger from the Czech Republic, trying to mingle amongst you and apologies for my english.


Assasincz (I know it's spelled wrong but it's a long story)

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Hi Assasincz,

Welcome to the forum. Here you will find a great bunch of people who can answer any questions you may have.

Those Soviet binoculars sound really interesting, Old but good quality I think.

I wonder if you are our only Czech member?

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Hi and welcome to the forum

Nice to have people around the world wanting to come together and join in the fun and occasional frustrations of astronomy! :):D I certainly hope that you are experiencing better weather than we are as of late.

Clear skies for your observing


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