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Completely new


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Hi all,

I'm completely new to stargazing. The last couple of years I started look up a bit, but it wasn't really until late last year when I moved from the UK to southern Spain that I started paying more attention.

I'm living out in the campo (the countryside) and there is no light pollution at all. I can see only maybe a dozen houses on the mountains for as far as the eye can see from our house and at worst they have some small outside lights on but they tend to go off late at night.

The skies here tend to be incredibly clear and beautiful. And the warm weather is going to help too I suspect.

All this has led me to talk about getting - and then finally to order - a telescope.

My logic has always been of the "for a few quid more..." sort, so I've ended up getting a Sky-Max 127 EQ3 PRO GOTO as my first telescope. I had to stop there. It was getting silly :)

The telescope was meant to be a 40th birthday present from my Mum. She was going to spend £200 or so on it. Then my wife said she'd chip in, so it went a bit higher. Then I figured I'd chip in too...

I'm quite pleased I stopped at just short of £700. Oh, plus a moon filter and adaptors for my camera - a Canon 450D. I'm quite interested in astrophotograhy - the main reason I went for the equatorial mount.

I hope I've made the right choice.

I ordered it last week from First Light Optics (Martin has been first-class in his support and service and I can't recommend them highly enough).

The telescope is currently on its way to me via FedEx - last seen in Paris... Hopefully I should have it by Wednesday or so.

Looking forward to learning about all this. I know I've got a lot to learn and, from what martin at FLO said, this is the place to learn.

Sorry for waffling. Look forward to making some new friends here. I note the "No politics, no religion" rule. Very wise!



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Hi John and welcome to SGL, I think a lot of forum members will be envious of your location, including me, you have a nice scope on its way and you have a long learning curve ahead of you, to help you on your way you might like to consider the publication Turn Left at Orion and probably a subscription to such as The Sky at Night, they have just recently covered the basics of Astrophotography over the past few months, which may also be of interest to you :)


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Hi John and welcome to the forum.

We like waffling here! Please ask any question you like as there are a lot of knowledgeable people here who are willing to help. There is a 'search' button at the top of the page should you need to look through the archive for past questions and responses.

Clear skies


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