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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Only use it last night for the very first time on the moon with a couple of different EP's. Image looked pretty damn good even though sky quality wasn't that great. For a first timer, I don't know if you should. I only got it as part of a bundle sale. I'm pretty new to this lark myself. I've just ordered a DSLR adapter to use on this so no idea yet how easy it'll be for imaging. The 8SE you also link to in your first post has a greater focus length, its smaller and more manageable and will get you a lot "closer". Play around with this tool to see the difference- https://astronomy.tools/calculators/field_of_view/
  2. I bet that really is a challenge when processing.
  3. You'd have to be brave to carry it all set up. I have to take the scope off.
  4. Cheers, scope isn't too heavy but it is cumbersome. Pretty easy to get balanced. It's the mount that weighs a ton with the weights on and a bit of a dance to get it out the workshop door with the tripod legs splayed out. I just can't be bothered to take it all apart just to go through a door and place it 10 feet away.
  5. Aha, image flipped. So App is correct. Cheers.
  6. Gotcha. This looks a bit disconcerting. About 180º from the App.
  7. Good idea. Stellarium taken at 12.22+22secs. All looks a bit different.
  8. I noticed last night that when I set up the Polaris position was different on the Synscan handset to the Polarscope Align Pro App. On the handset Time was set, GMT at 00.00, Daylight Savings-Yes. In the end I went with the App but whey is there a difference ? Images are from a few minutes ago.
  9. Looks like they can supply everything including custom cables to length to keep thing really tidy.
  10. Very nice, though there is a bit of redness to the stars and background on my screen.
  11. Super image, want to have a go at this one myself. Just waiting for a clear night and hoping I can get my setup working correctly.
  12. Makes you wonder why we can only see one side of the moon, maybe its flat !!!!!
  13. Some confusing info lower down in the description, optimised at 85mm. Maybe that's what you need. https://www.astro-physics.com/ccdt67
  14. Looking good, maybe just a little on the dark side. Peter Zelinka just released a vid on Youtube about LRGB. IIRC he stacked the individual channels separately using the same reference image (not included in the stack), them mashed them all together in PS.
  15. I think that is one great photo, love the rocket flare .
  16. Might be worth investing in one of these. https://www.celestron.com/products/nexyz-3-axis-universal-smartphone-adapter
  17. Two out of three available in the UK on Ebay, the other from China, Total will be about the same as ordering from Mouser.
  18. That sounds like Mouser being daft. All three items show as being in stock, how can a UK based company say it's in stock if the actual stock is in the USA. Unbelievable. Basket comes to £4.29 + £12 Delivery, quite often for small items the post do not collect a fee. Had my Optolong L-Pro just dropped through the letterbox from China, no extra fee paid.
  19. I need to get one as well, had a look at the reviews and a few people had problems with it twisting occasionally. One way to cure this would be to drill two holes in the base plate and bolt that to the two existing holes in the tripod before adding the tube.
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