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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Looks pretty capable until you compare it with a 16" Pro which is twice the price but twice the power or more. Rather go whole hog than leave myself a little short.
  2. Had a look at Stellarmate but I think Pegasus is a better all in one for connecting and powering devices and it is Ekos compatible.
  3. Does it have a function to allow it to operate the shutter without lens attached?
  4. Looked at RPi4, I have no idea on how to build/program set up something like that. If someone was willing to sort one all out I might go that route, but TBH if it gets buggy then I would be completely stuck.
  5. Been munching on the idea of a Pegasus Ultimate V2 and some shorter cables. A USB3 hub would probably help the guide cam issue but probably not the stalling. Not in the MacAir I'm afraid. I did recently boost my iMac to 64GB though but hooking up to that would be a major inconvenience.
  6. Hi All, seem to be having stalling issues when trying to do AP. I have a MacAir 2012 1.8 Dual Core i5 with 4GB RAM, using EKOS to run Mount, Image Camera, Guide Cam, Focusser, Filterwheel. Couple of problems I have been having are that the Guide Cam (USB3) doesn't like being on the USB2 hub with with everything else so goes directly to my MacAir. The main problem is that if it's asked to do too much i.e dither + focus + guide + image, I get a spinning wheel of death stall and cannot capture any more subs. Is it time for a new MacBook Pro?
  7. Not really much help but it does look like something is smeared on a lens somewhere in the image train.
  8. I would aim for -30º if possible. Might take a while with the warmer weather but see how it goes and if it seems to plateau out at say -27º then dial it back to -25º.
  9. Great phone snaps, well done doing the 6mm. Why not invest in a good phone holder, the Celestron is supposed to be great. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/celestron-nexyz-3-axis-universal-smartphone-adapter.html
  10. AstroFarsography did a review on the Altair (YouTube), I think there were problems with halo's.
  11. Lovely prom capture, well done.
  12. Not too bad, I think if you cooled your camera down further you would have lost some noise. I like the colour tone, more orange gold than red makes it seem more natural.
  13. Looks stunning. Picks up a lot of detail with that method.
  14. In that case all I can think of is that the Polemaster is either sitting askew in the holder, the holder is askew or the Polemasters optics are askew. Also wondering if doing a 360º sweep will show up anything. If the star ends up in the same place at 0º and 360º but off the line everywhere else then that should bean the Polemaster isn't sitting aligned to the axis.
  15. I'm using KStars/Ekos. (Still learning) It's pretty much all in one for control and capture. Can be used with PHD2 and Pegasus Astro as well. All you need then is stacking and post processing.
  16. Could it be that your mount isn't level ?
  17. Great image. Very natural looking.
  18. Another great moonshot, well done.
  19. Lovely image, one of the best I've seen so far.
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