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Everything posted by MarkAR

  1. Not yet it's not. Haven't had the chance to set it up yet.
  2. Thankyou all for the lovely comments, Still learning but the results are getting better all the time. @Xiga Thanks for the tip, I did actually run the invert/SCNR in PI, can't remember if I did 100% or less or maybe its so strong it needs a second dose. You're right that it does add a little more warmth with the slight magenta so I think I'll leave it for now. I was thinking of doing a Dylan O'Donnel guaranteed APOD rendering when I saw one image of the Wizard that did win, quite tempting to try to burn out eyeballs. 🤣
  3. Just looked at my handset manual and the right hand port is a 6-pin RJ12 that connects to computer. The cable you have looks like the correct 6-pin.
  4. I take it the EQ cable doesn't fit in the right hand socket of the handset ?
  5. Might be that the cable goes directly to the mount making the handset redundant.
  6. I think you need the EQDIR cable to connect to your computer. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-mount-accessories/lynx-astro-ftdi-eqdir-usb-adapter-for-sky-watcher-eq5-pro-heq5-syntrek-pro-az-eq5-gt-az-eq6-gt-and-eq8-mounts.html Also I think you need to download the ASCOM platform. https://ascom-standards.org Not 100% sure as I run a MAC and use KStars/Ekos for control.
  7. Is your mount the newer one with a USB socket ? If not then it looks like you have to connect to the computer from the handset, socket is at the bottom. ASCOM is a system that works on Windows computers that allows you to communicate with devices. You will need to download ASCOM drivers for your mount, camera, guide cam and anything else that will be computer controlled.
  8. Very good image, you'll love doing NB.
  9. I reckon nebulosity as well, there is a lot of schmutz in the area.
  10. Lovely image John, not an easy target to process.
  11. A good image, just a shame about the outlying spikes.
  12. Cheers mate, framing wise I think I could have moved it up a little to get a little more of the nebulosity. As for the stars I've no idea whyI get such good colours, lucky I guess. Strange thing with this is that I didn't have to do any background extraction, ABE just made it look worse so I didn't even bother with DBE.
  13. Hi all, I've been imaging The Wizard for over a month now in-between all the cloudy nights and manages a total of 17 hours and 24 minutes of integration. All processing done with PI using the Hubble palette. Ha: 16 x 360s + 16 x 720s Oiii: 21 x 360s + 21 x 720s Sii: 21 x 360s + 21 x 720s Big tiff file attached for all you pixelpeepers. Let me know of anything further you think I can do with it. D_NGC_7380_SHO_TRAD.tif
  14. Not sure I can help with your set up but many here would use KStars/Ekos on a Mac. What mount are you using? A better set up would be to connect mount, main camera, filter wheel and Lodestar to a USB hub then to your Mac and control everything with Ekos. You can either use the Ekos internal guiding or PHD2 through Ekos.
  15. Excellent, one of the best shots of Saturn I've seen.
  16. Well done, nice contrast of dark nebula against the mass of stars.
  17. Very good so far, I think the hardest thing will be to tame the core a little.
  18. If the log says 1 arc minute then there's room for improvement. I use Ekos rather than PHD2 and easily get less tham 12 arc seconds. Thats under 12". The better your PA the better your guiding will be and that's the important factor. With good PA on a NEQ6 you should be able to get under 1.0" RMS guiding.
  19. A good start, worth trying longer exposures at lower ISO.
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