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Mandy D

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Everything posted by Mandy D

  1. I guess you've got a bag for your RC6, now. But, for those viewing this thread later, I was in the same position as nothing seemed to be listed for that scope, so I settled on the one linked below for a 180mm MC, which has a nice section on the end for accessories. My RC6 fits perfectly with all the extension pieces and focuser on the OTA. I'm very happy with it. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/telescope-bags-cases-storage/oklop-padded-bag-for-180mm-maksutov-cassegrain-telescopes-with-pocket.html
  2. I spotted this alignment whilst driving home last December, but didn't have a camera with me, so I rushed home, picked up the D3200 and tripod and shot this with the kit lens just before Venus disappeared behind the trees. 16mm, f/4, 3s, ISO-1100.
  3. I think you'll find the Skymax a lot more portable than the RC to be fair.
  4. The Skymax 127 was on my list, but I rejected it in favour of the flatter field of the RC6 as I wanted to do imaging. The RC6 is not as small or portable as I imagined it would be as it has a baffled tube and lots of back focus, but the Crayford focusser is nice and smooth.
  5. Thank you! I've managed to get sunspots as you can see in my photo. It's always been the other stuff which requires tuning of the filter that has been the problem. I'm never sure when it is in focus. I'll definitely try stopping it down, now. I've seen surface detail and prominences through a Lundt, so expected this to be similar, but maybe it is not. I just need to find my USB battery pack, which I've not seen in months!
  6. Yes, you shift the bandpass to see one detail or the other. Maybe I need to get a new Supergirl cape made from Kryptonium to keep the light away from my eyes. Next time I get this thing set up, I'll try this and spend more time at the eyepiece. Thank you.
  7. My Samyang 800 mm f/8 mirror lens on a Nikon D3200 looking for sunspots. Didn't find any this time!
  8. I don't know the Bortle rating of my skies, but when we cross the road in the hamlet where the big Dob is, you cannot see where you are going at night unless you leave a light on, hence the streetlamp behind the scope.
  9. Yes, yes, I am and not too far from Duckmanton. You definitely need the space for that scope and it is under a south facing verandah in my photo, but not in the UK. I bought something smaller for the UK, as Covid restrictions were preventing us from getting to the big one.
  10. This little beastie: A Skywatcher 250PX. I'd been looking at getting a telescope for years, but always considered them too expensive, prior to Chinese manufacturing taking the marketplace by storm. I spotted it on the internet, ex-display but otherwise brand-new with a substantial discount. It was probably a bit bigger than I'd been planning, but hey, aperture rules, right?
  11. What does everyone think of the Daystar Solar Scout? I have one, but have never yet been able to tune it to see any detail.
  12. I keep my OTA in a bag / backpack like these: https://oklopbags.com/telescope-bags/bag-for-newtonians/ Mine has a compartment for eyepieces and accessories. The DSLRs and lenses have their own case. This one: https://www.parkcameras.com/shop/veo-select-42t-bk---pilot-style-roller-shoulder-bag---black_9775560w My big (photo) tripod came with a carrying bag, but is usually kept in the back of the Land Rover to save lugging it back and forth. I have a backpack for the laptop. It would help to be super-organised, but I never am!
  13. An Oklop padded bag / backpack for my iOptron RC6. The bag is designed for a 180 MC, but is the perfect size for the RC6 with all the extension rings and focuser fitted.
  14. Oh no, please, No! It'll be like using a self-service checkout at Tesco! Can you imagine several of these at a star party all with audio commentary turned on? Other than that it looks like a great idea.
  15. My new iOptron RC6.


    1. Knighty2112
    2. Adreneline


      Don’t you just wish they came with a longer vixen bar!

  16. If you reverse the supply polarity it will warm the CCD to bring it up to "normal" cooled operating temperature!
  17. The Moon and Saturn captured in a single image with 300 mm lens on Nikon D3200. Inset shows detailed view of each object from the single frame.
  18. From the album: Moon and Stars

    © Copyright, Mandy D, 2021

  19. Sorry, Mike, I don't know how I got the two of you mixed up there! I have my new iOptron Rc6 all nice and ready for the eclipse, but still struggling to get decent results out of it. I have it on a heavy photo tripod with a Nikon D800 hanging off the back end, so it is really unbalanced. The tripod wedge is fixed to the dovetail with a single screw at the back end and it wobbles like a blancmange! I can't seem to get critical focus, yet, but am still hoping to capture that eclipse, so you now know it will be cloudy right through and can blame me! Good luck with capturing it: I look forward to seeing the photos.
  20. Definitely the British weather, especially clouds. We went to France for the 1999 total solar eclipse in the mistaken belief that this would remove the problem and found a lovely spot to set up, with not a cloud in sight. Until ... a few moments before totality when clouds started forming right next to the Sun with it too late to move. The Sun remained blocked out for the duration of totality with the clouds completely dissipating within a couple of minutes of it ending! So, it's not just Britain where the weather screws up our observing!
  21. I transport my Dob in a Land Rover Discovery and can confirm that and unequal split rear seat helps a lot for this. Obviously, you could run into problems with LEZ with Land Rovers and it is probably not the type of vehicle you are looking for. If I was after a car to do this I would look at the type of thing that gets converted for wheelchair access, things like the Citroen Berlingo as they have higher roofs than normal cars. It might be worth speaking to your local disability car supplier for advice.
  22. Have you considered photographing the quarter Moon? Shadows are very short on the full Moon, so little detail shows, whereas on crescent, quarter and gibbous, at the terminator, the shadows are long and the detail is crisp. Motion blur is commonly caused by a setup which is insufficiently rigid coupled with a shutter speed that is too long. As Mike says, open up the aperture and crank the ISO up, which will also allow you to use faster shutter speeds. I shot the Moon last night at ISO 800, f/9 and 1/250.
  23. You could also try eyepiece projection if you don't have or want to by a barlow, although the barlow will make life easier.
  24. Someone has already suggested Making Every Photon Count, so I'll add Astrophotography by Thierry Legault. It covers an awful lot and in good depth.
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