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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. The plastic heat will trap heat beneath it if you leave it out during the day. You cant believe how rapidly it will wilt, then kill the grass beneath it. Would be some work and permanent but you could use concrete pavers. Some come 2ft by 2ft.
  2. Nice. I dont know about you, but every time I get to see the ISS pass over, it's such a thrill.
  3. Incredible! When I look at images like this, my mind goes into overload thinking what is out there we haven't seen yet. We live in an amazingly beautiful universe.
  4. Thanks for the kind words. I have to admit I feel like a young child running around with one of the cheap cameras attempting to take pictures when I see the incredible images here on the SGL. But I do enjoy everything I manage to do. The most important lesson I've learned is to always strive to get better, but be happy with yourself and what you do accomplish.
  5. I've been watching Luna growing smaller the past three mornings. Got out to get a quite small moon as the sky rapidly grew brighter from the Sun still below the horizon. A single image with my Canon SL1, prime focus.
  6. It would be nice here in the States. If they only reduced the lights on businesses that were closed at night, it would make a tremendous difference.
  7. Congratulations! A real feather in your cap!
  8. Fabulous! Everything Apollo amazes me and yes Apollo 15 landed in an incredible area. I've often wondered how terribly disappointing it must have been to have been an astronaut on those last missions which were canceled.
  9. If money was unlimited, I would venture into the dark side, simply because the great number of things to image which cant really be seen that well. But I would still keep doing visual serving. When I sit at the computer looking through a nights widefield images for meteors, or UFO's, I enjoy seeing I captured a good meteor. But there isn't the thrill of seeing one with my own eyes. There's something with that eye brain connection that will keep many doing visual. Not to mention the idea that in ways it connects me to those great names in our past.
  10. It seemed I just couldn't get it in focus last night because of the wind. But after 3 months since I've photographed it or Jupiter, it was great just seeing it again. Hang in there, on night just out of the blue, you'll look at it and things will be right. That's when you go WOW!
  11. Went out a few minutes before sun set. I was hoping to get to view Mercury and Venus, but they must have been to close to the Sun for me to see them in the glow. Skysafari showed Jupiter and Saturn were well placed, Jupiter being just past zenith, Saturn not yet reaching it. I pushed my dob till I thought it was about right and much to my surprise Jupiter was in the finder scope! I had locked out and got it in my field of view with it not yet showing in the sky. The wind was causing my 8" to jiggle making it difficult to focus. I could make out quite a bit of banding and even the GRS but not clear and crisp. Saturn finally appeared and I looked at it till the mosquitos ran me inside. All I can say about Saturn was you could see it. I think if it hadn't been for the stuff breeze, it would have been some good viewing. It would have been great to have seen Mercury and Venus giving me 5 of the planets in one evening.
  12. Very nice! I hope to bag Pluto one day, but I wonder if I ever will manage.
  13. Very nice images. The Moon has been looking very nice the past few days.
  14. My thinking is that the time mentioned, 12900 years, does not leave much time for any geological work to cover up the evidence of such major impacts for that kind of water to be brought to Earth. They are finding new hidden large craters now, but not just 12900 years old. Then there's the question, what happened to the water that "flooded" everything. Take a big sponge to soak it up. I do believe that right now, all the water that is on the Earth, is still here. Only reduced by the water we carried into space. Not even thinking along the theological line, because that starts too many arguments, I see this almost following with the Earth is flat idea.
  15. Been reading almost everything I can find online about C/2019 q4. While reading some ideas of collecting particles left behind it, being we're not able to get anything out fast enough to get near it, the comments turned to the possibility of a comet striking the Earth. It was mentioned that the chance of a comet hitting us is very slim, that space is very big and matter is only a small percentage of space. Here's where I'm going with this. A person said there is thoughts that 12900 years ago, comets hit the Earth, resulting in "the flood", (yes, the Noah flood) and that there is a serious discussion going about it being a real possibility. Anyone here on SGL ever heard anything on this train of thought. Sorry, but the time line they're talking makes me think this is what we call hog wash!
  16. Not yet, but I will give that a try. Thanks for the replies.
  17. In the middle of the night, I woke thinking of the 6th possibility this might be. I couldn't go back to sleep! Necromongers!! Definitely a planet killer.😮 The comet always proceeds their coming! Please tell me we have a Furion warrior here at SGL. I'm watching The Chronicles of RIDDICK again now, hoping to get prepared.😁
  18. Hello and welcome. What part of Missouri? The wife is from St. Louis, moved down here decades ago to Fla. Still have a sister in law near Warsaw.
  19. Thanks for the info. I see a spec in my images, not when I look through the view finder. Saw it distinctly this morning while imaging the moon with a 1000mm lens. Move the moon around in the view finder and the spec stayed in the same place on the sensor.
  20. I'm sure I have a spec of trash on the sensor of my Canon SL1. Can I clean it? Or would it be better to take it to the pros at a shop? Now I'm thinking, it wouldn't register on the sensor, but it would block that area. Right?
  21. Beautiful! I was hoping but totally clouded out East and West. Tomorrow is a work day, so I'm giving up and going to sleep.
  22. Not only are the details on the planet and in the rings impressive but you've managed to get the shadow of the planet on the rings! I'll just clicking away with my Canon, and dream!
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