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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Excellent service, enjoy your new eyepiece.
  2. I can remember collecting these and the other different sets during the 70/80's. They look really good mounted in that frame, a very nice find.
  3. just viewed it on GONG, it looks very active!
  4. That mystery is now solved. My new laptop has 3 USB ports, but only 1 is USB3. A little annoying as it is only 1 year old, i thought they would be all USB3. I have been plugging all my cameras in USB2 ports, you have to laugh 🙂 A quick check and the frame rate is now above 100fps and 640x480 its 125fps
  5. These are my typical settings that use, when usually aiming for 70% Histogram level. camera=ZWO ASI224MC Diameter=47.25" Focal Length=5500mm Resolution=0.14" Duration=180.003s Frames captured=14985 ROI=696x598 FPS (avg.)=83 Shutter=5.907ms Gain=425 (70%) Gamma=50 Histogram=71%
  6. Very nice 1st image, some lovely details visible there.
  7. An excellent pair of images, some really good details visible there.
  8. I am guessing a weather balloon passing in front of Jupiter, during an IR capture? This the second time i have seen something like this.
  9. The sharpening was almost identical, i felt i could sharpen the bottom image slightly more due less noise from a lower gain setting. I thought that altering the gain, altered the read noise? I am stacking 20% of approx 15000 frames.
  10. Just before i venture out again tonight, i would like to share a quick experiment from last night. As some of you might have seen, i have recently had a fascinating conversation with @vlaiv regarding Histogram levels, exposure gain.... So last night i tried ignoring the histogram level and just setting the exposure to around 6.5ms and the gain to 350. The Histogram was down at 28%, so i had to focus before reducing the gain. I think the results are very interesting to be honest. All SER files were batched stacked together in A/S3 and processed the same other than the curve adjustment was larger on the darker image. There was clearly much less noise in the 28% Histogram image, which probably allowed for slightly more aggressive sharpening. Although only a subtle amount more. Usual settings 70% histogram, straight from A/S3 350 gain setting 28% histogram, straight from A/S3 Usual settings 70% histogram, after processing in CS2, curves, unsharp mask. 350 gain settings 28% histogram, after processing in CS2, curves, unsharp mask I think it looks a better, more detailed image to me. I am going to try it again tonight 🙂
  11. Did not know about the shadow transit, i did my last imaging run at 11.30 as the seeing was beginning to deteriorate. I might have just caught it, although i could barely see the GRS on the preview screen.
  12. What do the individual channels look like Trevor, any chance of posting them? Be interesting if you could use the "L" in place of the red image perhaps. Did you combine in Photoshop or something similar?
  13. Interesting to see the range going down to < 0.3A, should make for some great Surface detail images. What scope are you using it on?
  14. Some nice details visible there Trevor. Looks a bit similar colour-wise to the LRGB images i have produced in the past, i have never been totally happy with colour balance though.
  15. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  16. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
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