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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Amazing that such events can be captured by earth based equipment
  2. Really nice details visible there, always looks nice low down
  3. I saw a quote online yesterday "amazed that Voyager is sending back signals so quick, as the solar system is a light year in diameter, how does it manage it? A light year in diameter?, next nearest star around 4.5 light years away........ i give up 🙂
  4. I use the Pocket Sky Atlas also For planning sessions. I use the Uranometria 2000 for star hoping, but only photo copies of the relevant pages, as i try to protect it from the winter conditions
  5. Stunning images, hard to pick a "winner", congratulations to the winners and all that entered!
  6. Congratulations to the winners, those northern lights from @Sleepy Kiki were especially stunning to watch. The asteroid animation by @Aramcheck was incredibly detailed and excellently presented. Great work from @AlexJ for capturing the JWT as well, not an easy task at all.
  7. Another high resolution detail using the C9.25, AR3001 from the 30th April, during the cooler early hours of the morning. 120s second SER file, stacked using Autostakkert, sharpened using IMPPG, coloured in CS2 C9.25, homemade Baader 3.8 film filter, asi174mm, X3 Barlow.
  8. Finally managed to achieve some high resolution detail using the C9.25. AR2999 from the 30th April, during the cooler early hours of the morning. 120s second SER file, stacked using Autostakkert, sharpened using IMPPG, coloured in CS2 C9.25, homemade Baader 3.8 film filter, asi174mm, X3 Barlow.
  9. That was an interesting read and quite an old thread as well. I think i might have a go with mine next time i get a chance
  10. Thanks for the link Nicolas, i didn't spot that.
  11. Phase showing very nicely there
  12. Well done for grabbing an image, another tough day today.
  13. Very nicely captured Steve, some nice detail there
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