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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Some lovely details visible there, looking forward to getting nearer opposition and more details visible
  2. Pretty good end result there, despite the presence of the jet stream
  3. you are a planetary imager, of course you are not happy 🙂 It is a very nice start though, not being truly happy is what drives us on to keep capturing.
  4. Nice looking set of images, despite the condtions.
  5. Here is another poke, great capture Paul. Pluto will always feel like a planet to me, whatever its classification. 🙂
  6. Super sharp images there, you can not beat good seeing conditions to bring the mist out in the planets.
  7. Fascinating thread, i must admit i never do anything other than the RGB align in Registax 6. Especially with the newer Asi462, the colours i have seen posted, seem to look quite different to what my 224mc end up with after processing.
  8. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  9. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  10. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  11. Pete Presland


    Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  12. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  13. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  14. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  15. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  16. Pete Presland


    Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  17. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  18. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
  19. Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire 🙂
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