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newbie alert

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Everything posted by newbie alert

  1. I keep reading about this 50% peak for flats and can't get my head around it.. 30% yes I agree with..is this a thing with cmos?
  2. Problem with the esprit is they don't come up that often used.. Are you thinking of a triplet? I'd be inclined to stick with the ed80 until you either have enough for a new one or one pops up on the used market..they don't hang for long.. the ed80 is a heck of a scope for the money..
  3. Superb Adam.. And the reason you wasn't going to post was?? Superb..
  4. Very 3d looking, great work
  5. Adam you only get more photons per pixel as you now have a wider fov.. A higher f ratio scope at the same aperture has a shorter fl...it doesn't make the photons arrive any quicker
  6. Do you guide with the newt/ oag setup or guide with the w/o? Would you have a screen shot of the guide graph?
  7. The Kodak chip is a classic..still a very good sensor, both atik, qsi still use these chip in their camera's.. some of the top imagers use these camera's.. The 8300 chip has some very deep wells so if you're a long exposure narrowband type of imager then it's still a very good buy.. Things that put me off cmos atm are, some suffer with ampglow that need good calibration..some suffer with micro lensing on bright stars.. all will need plenty of storage space on a laptop etc as a friend had a terra bite of data on one target..so if you have an old computer it's going to fill it up fast.. Pro's and con's on both types of cameras, just got to work out what's best for you.. Sampling...i look at this only to get your image scale...unless you're severely under or oversampling it don't affect the image too dramatically..
  8. Top class as usual , but would we expect anything less..always greatful to see top class images..something to aim for..won't get anything close but good fun trying..
  9. When you said elongated stars at the edges are the fanning out from the center or ok in the middle but wrong on the edges.. This should explain things better Does sound like a spacing issue
  10. Luv it.. very nicely done..
  11. Too many think that those sampling converters are the absolute boundary that you shouldn't cross..under or over sample... many people do, many people do and don't realise or don't care.. too many variables to factor in.
  12. Ok, it's always out on the first slew on a fresh star alignment.. as you're on a fixed mount are you hibernating saving the star alignment or re doing it everytime?
  13. How do you confirm with a polar scope, if you can see it's out then surely you can correct it? Polar scope method is classed as a rough polar alignment Are you on a fixed mount or a setup and tear down? Polar alignment and star alignment are different kettles of fish..if pointing is out then redo your star alignment but don't do as someone else does and redo the polar alignment and wonder why the star alignment is out so re entering with the clutches off!! Apologies if I come across as brash..not intended..
  14. Think technology has made people forget the basics... PA and star alignment really isn't all that difficult..
  15. Not seen the reviews but they're very tight on a m42 thread and apparently they can crush, I've not noticed that with mine thou..
  16. Much that I luv a atik camera I'd send it back again
  17. I'd rather enjoy all the designated pixels, it's not really faffing , don't take much to spin the wheel and I'm in no rush to collect data I see your point on the comets, but meteor?? Really??
  18. Thanks for all replies , appreciated..
  19. Thanks Vlaiv, I'm already undersampling with my current setup atm
  20. Hi guys, could anyone explain the reasons of binning the rgb data as I've only tried it once..it just seemed to reduce the frame size( I suppose by a factor of 4) can't see the benefits, I'm sure there are but can't quite see it myself yet
  21. Thanks..somehow didn't think it was a ed80! Great job, nice bit of kit..
  22. Awesome..looks very nice Whats your setup please
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