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newbie alert

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Everything posted by newbie alert

  1. Good to know Microsoft ice can do deep sky..but with any mosaic you need abit of overlapp
  2. Any more ideas? I did a rough test to see where the focus point was and yes it's at 55mm as far as I could tell
  3. Initially I thought I had the filters back to front so I had a quick search and it says there's no direction..could it be this?
  4. Very nice, that's the camera that I'm after once I've saved enough... impressive ..
  5. Great start to ccd imaging, which camera are you using?
  6. If he's using dss then he's not stacking moon shots.. So far thou I've processed the panels and then stitched together.. mosaic mode sounds good if it works, there is something in Photoshop that does it but only seen it done for solar data
  7. Thanks guys, but I'm at 56mm( 1mm for filters thickness) at the moment, stars look nice and round at all distances that I've tried with the luminance although I've not just yet taken an image with it.. I'm using Artemis capture ,and the only thing I've changed is the filter wheel and lrgb, the HA is the same..can't see a star in a 30- 60 sec sub with the HA filter for focus..it's not going to be too far away from the luminance even if they're not parfocal Here's some darks just taken and shows roughly the same as pointing at the sky..to get a star to show on the screen I have to adjust the log in the -7 range..I used to use -1 and even then I need to have some white showing by adjusting the white point slider
  8. Hi Guys, just going around in circles here.. I purchased a second-hand esprit 80 a few months back where the guy said the spacing was 65mm, I've looked in a few places now where the spacing differs from 75mm down to 55mm with most figures in between.. Skywatchers manual says 66mm but that's incorporating the removal of the 6mm adapter to allow extra backfocus should it be needed.. I read something on I think was on cloudy nights where someone says if you take the 6mm spacer off it's 66mm and leave it off it's 61 which don't add up unless a 6 mm spacer is 5mm? I'm at a loss, I initially put it at 65 as the previous owner says, then I read it should be 55mm so changed it again, I 've also had the same issues with atik as their manual says the sensor is "approx 18mm" If you look at it it's not looking that far back so I think it's 15mm.. I'm thinking if I shine a torch down the front, remove the camera and filter wheel and see where the light comes to point of focus, would that work?
  9. Yep, my main reason for not wanting one.. Also a friend has a 1600 and a 183, he creates superb images with both but his 1600 has stopped working, and repairers say there's nothing wrong with it.. He has a terabyte of data on 1 target..!
  10. I'd have a 460ex in a heartbeat and currently saving up for either a 460 or 490..I've looked at others with the same sensors but you know where you stand with a Atik.. Various cmos issues stop me from considering them until the issues are resolved, so I'd be happier with a ccd at the mo.. There are some awesome pictures out there taken with the 1600
  11. Great image Emil, with the Hubble pallet it always comes out very green until you merge the colours to your own taste.. Looks great from here
  12. Hi Marty, my in laws aren't far from you then..I'm Washford farm area which is bortle 5, can see the milky way when the moons not about ..but some times I venture out to hamstreet area which is bortle 4 and the milky way is highly visible
  13. Beautiful image..at full resolution it looks even better, fantastic job, very well done and thanks for sharing
  14. Welcome Marty, I'm from Ashford in Kent also... if you ever need some help or just want to meet up send me a message..not too sure if I'd have the answers thou..best of luck and enjoy
  15. You're quite correct Nikolav, quite how you do a 2 star alignment on a SA I don't know.. Maybe sharpcap/ polemaster will help with PA?
  16. That's what i planned to do with my 10 inch...I've only looked through it once in 2 years as the forks and it's in the box is far too big to put in the car.. Deforking and putting on a losmandy plate will make it far more portable
  17. As a add on to David's advice, you can use the layer underneath and use the erasure tool to sharpen what you want..as in the hard lines of contrast
  18. Depends on the subject for me , some targets go look over cooked but if I do use it it's always nearer the end.. Maybe you over sharpend it initially?
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