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newbie alert

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Everything posted by newbie alert

  1. Is there any there you haven't got already??
  2. Won't be much feedback as not many if any have been released yet..a friend is waiting on his..but it's looking like it could be very decent
  3. I'm not a big celestron fan but I'd assume the CGX to be fairly decent surely??
  4. But not sure they are the right way to go in 2019 and I'd like to move into a world of faster exposures and more of them. Especially with the Long Focal ratio SCT14". Long focal length and small pixels.. not sure on that one..sorry but don't know anyone that deepsky images with a 14 that I could ask!
  5. Once the cmos have cured the ampglow prob that some suffer, any Micro lensing that some suffer from and the huge files that's needed to store the data( a friend used a terabyte on 1 image) then I'd be interested as yes it will be the future..
  6. Nothing to do with dew heaters.. Maybe a balance issue thou, as high and crossing the meridian has it's issues..I've had it before where my dec trend totally disappears..!
  7. Is it calibrated? bottom right circle green? Have you got the track rate, pixel rate of the guide cam , focal length of the guider.. Think 1 sec loop is too short but that's on my setup( I use 3)
  8. It's ok, I get over it..more than ecstatic with the esprit atm...
  9. I'd always been a fan of William optics..good looking scopes, sharp optics.. Then I found I couldn't use the fine focus on the focuser, which wasn't the end of the world but a little bit of hassle...fast forward a year or so and while setting up a distinct crunch sound with a ball bearing, circlip and a fragment of metal falling from the focuser combined with no movement from it showed all wasn't well.. so I tried to find a replacement, not much luck there so emailed William optics as surely they'd have a replacement or parts..they emailed back and said that the component is no longer available or the parts..if I sent the whole focuser back there's a small chance they could mend it with different parts but couldn't guarantee it..So I started to look more in depth into a replacement, flo was really good in putting me in contact with Ron at moonlite but unfortunately I couldn't justify the cost on what is essentially a doublet.. so I bought a esprit with a moonlite and that was that So the WO went back in the box until I decide what to do with it... such a waste.. Next time I look past the bling
  10. Yes, many of us find it very difficult..I've not managed to achieve focus with my guide camera( skyris) with my sct.. a few friends have achieved focus but only using a lodestar and even then having to adapt with a lathe or shortening the stalk ... I'd not even thought of the prism size..
  11. Taken the screw lens cap off ??
  12. I've now got a esprit 80 and the 490 is a camera that I've got my eye on.. One thing to have in mind is that sensor (IX814)is in a few other camera's too.. some have better cooling such as the Atik 0ne 9, qhy23.. the QSI814 and I think a starlight xpress version..
  13. Are you trying to guide or do a star alignment as seems from the text you're trying to do both at the same time..1st thing to do is polar align, then star align..then guide.. I take it you're on the calibration step in phd2..it's best to take the slack out of the gears just beforehand so pressing north on the manual guide until the star moves, then calibrate..
  14. As a add on , a great tip that someone suggested on here is to move the mount either on the handset or on screen manual guide..if your stars don't move, they aren't stars..
  15. I found with low snr that they wasn't stars..it was just noise.. To remedy the problem I use sharpcap..have the camera looping and adjust the focus, have a look at the gain and exposure and replicate ish in phd... I find a 3 sec loop suits my setup better..
  16. In my head is a ADC a pointless task using a mono camera as you're shooting in 1 wavelength at a time in mono...with a colour camera I can understand..
  17. Looks great..my next target I think..
  18. I cleaned mine with baader fluid and a camel cloth.
  19. Hi James, isn't your f ratio going to be at f10 native for a sct? So in my own setup at f10 x 2.8um, so does that mean I should be imaging at 2800mm?
  20. I have mine parked but not tracking..
  21. 55mm from the rear of the flattener to sensor?
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