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newbie alert

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Everything posted by newbie alert

  1. I'd say it looks more like the RS, the RT has a 1.25 focuser the RS comes with a 2 inch .. I needed the 2 inch focuser version as I intend to do the pst mod with it but wanted to look at the moon first, I wasn't disappointed..great contrast
  2. Just been looking, Kstars, ekos looks really good.. Got a R-pi coming next week
  3. That sounds great..I have issues atm of ascom crashing and unrecognised com ports , thought it was just me..sounds like just the thing im after, things that just work.. So you can run phd on kstars, can you use things like SGP and APT? I'm quite computer illiterate, but my daughter's boyfriend works for raspberry Pi, but has no astro knowledge..
  4. I can see this is an old post but what's everyone's back focus distance on their esprit 80,seen lots of different ones from 55 to 75mm..I'm talking about the distance from the flat part of the flattener to sensor..
  5. I'm really interested in using the Pi, without really understanding what I can use it for..I understand it has to be on linex as it's not compatible with windows(yet) so I take it can be used for guiding, data transfer etc with the kstars program .. anyone wish to chip in with how they're using it with theirs please?
  6. I'm no pixel expert but seen a few great images done with a zwo 224 with 3.75um pixels
  7. I use a 236m on a 8 inch sct, it's a ok camera but always felt it's not an ideal match , maybe the pixels are too small for the focal length..it's great on the moon.. it's mainly used for guiding on my deep sky scope, a bit of planetary (although they're far too low atm) and some solar work..so it gets used as a allrounder
  8. Hope it's not a myth for a friend's sake.. Shouldn't be too long now before he recieves it.. but I'm sure he said that last month
  9. In my and other peoples opinion to maximize your photons captured mono does win hands down, either on planetary or deep sky.... As for rotation I only ever see effects of rotation on Jupiter and mars.. with rapid frame rate camera's you can get a fair few frames captured in a 30 sec avi, so even all 4 channels can be captured in a short space of time .. look at what the top planetary imagers are doing..Christopher go,Damien peach etc they all use mono cameras.. While it's true that you can get a decent image from a colour camera, you be able to get a better image from a mono one..
  10. I'd have a 9.25 over a 8 inch any day.. The 9.25 is the sweet spot for uk skies they say..
  11. Nice cropping.. If you read the bit before it says to maximise your photons captured .. A Bayer matrix has a group of 4 pixels to shoot through.. rggb usually so a red or blue wavelengths aren't going to be red or blue once they hit the sensor..
  12. As a 11 year old he knows far more than me..fantastic and a inspiratation to us all.. well done that lad..
  13. Are all the stars like it or is it a certain part of the frame..
  14. For getting maximum out of your photon capture, mono wins hands down
  15. Have I missed something as I thought imaging/ viewing the sun you're looking at 1 wavelength so a simple achromat is just as good as a triplet or a quad or whatever.. a lunt is a achromat for a example..
  16. Very nice, my favourite part of the veil.. what was your equipment as some of your stars have spikes, others don't..
  17. Amazing image from my favourite part of the veil.. Very good for 60 sec subs
  18. Fantastic image.. Must admit to not knowing the scope or mount, the scope stats look amazing, can't find any info on the mount thou
  19. Not as yet...still very much in the planning stage.. I've sourced something for the pier, sort of found out what size it needs to be and a friend has given me some info on his build Where abouts are you in Kent? Frame to gauge size
  20. I'm sort of in the same boat with sort of similar kit, and in Kent.. spooky
  21. First of all star alignment and polar alignment are completely different things.. star alignment is for your pointing accuracy, the first star is always out as you not told the mount where it is yet..perfectly normal.. Are you sort of putting the star in the center of the eyepeice? A cross haired reticle will be more precise.. Getting back to polar alignment, your polar scope may need collimating..most do ..not too sure on what it's showing as Octans is for southern hemisphere....most have both thou.. as is shown here
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