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Everything posted by JeremyS

  1. So where’s the Volvo meteor camera? Should be much more sedate πŸ€”
  2. Yes I think our friend @Sunshine will find this very gratifying reading.
  3. For my TSA 120 which has the Tak cradle, I use an ADM D series dovetail. This is made for Tak cradles. I think it is this: https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/adm-7-d-series-losmandy-style-bar-to-suit-takahashi-clamshell.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA98WrBhAYEiwA2WvhOvUWb5-Wume-PoiyVAA6p6f70fI6by5TEJpUmoD1OlWMQSwE9PSm8RoCE8wQAvD_BwE This of course assumes your mount accepts Losmandy D series dovetails
  4. Brilliant news! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  5. Are you preparing to observe The Dark Side of the Moon?
  6. Surprisingly it’s been clear here all evening. Doing VS photometry. Seeing not brilliant, so not doing any visual observing. Come in to warm up.
  7. Many happy returns of the day Nigella!
  8. The TSA 120 is a step up from the FC 100 and not that much bulkier. A lot depends on your mount. The FC 100 just about works on a ScopeTech Zero.
  9. Delurking…. I’m sure the WO is a very fine scope. But it is not a Tak. I think you’d always be hankering after a Tak. So the (WO + TSA) vs FS is a false dichotomy. If you really can’t go for both Taks then the FS 128 is the answer. But I’m glad I’m not the one that would have to let one of the worlds greatest triplets go - the TSA 102 is a dream scope.
  10. Newly published. Looks an interesting read
  11. Interesting, John. Maybe I’ll spend an evening when there’s something good on tv sitting down and constantly zooming it to see if it loosens up. They also reported needing to lock the EP tightly in the focuser. I found that easier said than done with the Tak diagonal as the side of the EP is quite tapered. I see they had the loose cap problem. Though the 1.25-inch cap on mine was fine.
  12. Is you TOA 150 permanently setup @fireballxl5? Must be quite an imposing beast.
  13. Cracking image Geof πŸ‘πŸ»
  14. Superb πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  15. Looool @josefk πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ»
  16. You’d better read paragraph 4 of this: https://garypoyner.wixsite.com/variablestars/telescopes A very sad tale indeed. The telescope was destroyed.
  17. Having filled my Ethos case I have now had to remove a non-Ethos that was hiding in there. So is it ever acceptable to have an eyepiece case containing just a single eyepiece? πŸ€” I guess it is a close relative. But I need to think about this a bit more πŸ€”
  18. My Ethos case is now complete (I’m not intending to get the E21 due to its weight)
  19. Do you mean a post market mod to fix existing units, John, or a redesign?
  20. The predicted shower and the Andromedids are from the same comet and are slow meteors. Also, the predicted shower comes from a slightly different radiant than the usual annual shower.
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