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Everything posted by JeremyS

  1. @Sunshine holding his FS 128 lens cap
  2. Not the most transparent of nights, but not bad. Started off with a couple of hours of CCD photometry in the dome (the open slit can just be seen in the background of the photo). Then some visual Jupiter with the Mu 210. Seeing has improved during the evening but still not the best. I’m finding that the Leica Zoom is really good for tuning the magnification to the seeing. It puts up really good images and is perhaps going to be my main planetary eyepiece with this scope. With a Panoptic 35 as widefield. With single EPs, I found the highest usable mag tonight was 220 (Apollo 11).
  3. Tak is about to release a a 2X “orthobarrow”: https://www-takahashijapan-com.translate.goog/ct-news/topics/23xii15_info_2xOB.html?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=no&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  4. I’m more interested in those lovely Nikon eyepieces 🤣
  5. They are handy if get caught short while observing, too 👍🏻
  6. Hope you managed to duck 🤞🏻
  7. Congratulations on first light. Lots of fun to come 👍🏻
  8. I’ve only been drinking in starlight gently, but precisely and reassuringly, bent by superbly handcrafted crystals of fluorite, Dave.
  9. Built? Takahashi scopes are not built. They are lovingly crafted and have life breathed into them by highly skilled artisans deploying the mysteries of precision instrument creators
  10. Whoa those look beautiful scopes. Wish they were mine 🤔
  11. IMO it’s not needed especially on a minor planet chart.
  12. Well, one can always arrange and rearrange eyepieces 😊
  13. +1 for lenscoat. I have used on on my FS 102 in place of its manhole cover.
  14. Whoa that’s quite a haul Nigella. Nice work 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  15. Heads up on an event next March 15 to April 5 at Cheadle in Staffordshire. It also commemorates Mary Adela Blagg, one of the first women to be admitted FRAS, whose work on lunar nomenclature is much celebrated.
  16. I think it’s a standard size, but better check with your vendor/ADM to be sure. I ordered mine from FLO here in the UK at the same time as my TSA 120 package with clamshell.
  17. So where’s the Volvo meteor camera? Should be much more sedate 🤔
  18. Yes I think our friend @Sunshine will find this very gratifying reading.
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