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Everything posted by JeremyS

  1. Several SGL tongues are hanging out at the sight of that lovely OG, Fish 😜
  2. Superb, @Ibbo! 👍🏻
  3. Decent is relative. I’ve tried many. Best is Baader SkySurfer V. Buts it’s a bit bulky. I also use a SkySurfer III which is ok, but very poorly made compared with other Baader stuff. I had to glue mine when the base snapped off. Of course there are non red dot finders that are popular, like Telrad. but they are also bulky and too ugly for a beautiful scope like yours 🤣
  4. All good points F15-san. It’s important to respect trade names and trade marks. I sometimes trip up with Japanese characters when I use their Mandarin pronunciation by mistake. But it did give me the idea that perhaps our new company should register a few other trade names to appeal to other markets. Maybe: For those who are wavering: “Takahashi Must Buy”. Perhaps abbreviated to TMB? For those who think the claims made by Tak users are beyond reality (yes, I mean you @andrew s ) “AstroPsychics” For enthusiasts of the arts and crafts movement: “William Morris Optics” For those that just want the homegrown classic look: “StellaMiraCle Gro” and for dudes in California: “Takahashish Man”
  5. Yes I was shocked too. But there it was in the Sunday Papers. Pretty firm rumours that Los Alamos National Lab has put in a hostile bid for Takahashi. The report speculated that what they actually want to do is an IP strip, as they believe said company has discovered a new fundamental force which explains why their scopes don’t conform to the known laws of physics regarding option resolution, light grasp and magnifications (x 500 mag and more has recently been claimed by an undercover researcher in Lancashire, using an FC 100). when the potential demise of the Takahasi parent company became known, SGL members decided to launch their own bid to save the company. This would ensure continued supply of their “super reality” light tubes to the SGL community. However, late last night it was disclosed that the SGL bid might unravel as the members could not agree with person should be appointed to which position in the new company, Takahashi SGL Kanban Ltd. Sources close to the leading members of the bid suggested that DN-san, aka @mikeDnight, was within a lick of being appointed as chief of quality control. Garry blue boy was also in the contending as it is thought he has owned at least 3 samples of ever Tak model, plus his extensive experience of many other premium refractor brands that have passed through his hands. @F15Rules was subsequently reported to have been appointed to handle the situation I must admit to getting pretty worried by all this. But then I woke up. Personally, I blame @Commanderfish for buying the last FC 100 in the western hemisphere and then reading his post just before bedtime. Jeremy-san ⛩️🎌
  6. I am and it’s wonderful 👍🏻🤣 Just to be sure, please post a pic when the FC 100 legend arrives. I seem remember when you first posted the FC 76 vs FC 100 question, some joker suggested you get both 😬 The last 10 pages have been a preamble to the inevitable 🤣
  7. I have a related q. I have a Lunt 50 and it’s wonderful. I’m using it visual only. Would the next step up in image quality be: 1. adding a Lunt 50 double stack filter to the existing Lunt or 2. Going for a Lunt 60 single stack scope ? I’m sure @Nigella Bryantwouks say Lunt 60 plus double stack 🤣
  8. My goodness, these FC 76 DCU’s seem to be multiplying 😊 super setup 👍🏻
  9. Looks like a handlegrenade, Dave 🤔
  10. That’s a terrific solar set up Nigella. You really do seem to be specialising in multi wavelength solar and are achieving great results 👍🏻 So has your solar kit completely taken over the dome? What about your solar RoR? And what about nighttime observing.
  11. These are nice. Much better than all the other RDF offerings
  12. Monochrome Tak. Looks very atmospheric 👍🏻
  13. Great result John. One factor is how much light is concentrated in the Airy disc. As we know, certain refractors have a great reputation for doing that. 👍🏻
  14. Thanks a lot Dean, I’m not going to be able to get that “music” out of my head all evening 🤣
  15. It’ll be worth the wait and it’s a super offer 👍🏻
  16. During the eruption the spectrum will be dominated by the hot accretion disc rather than the stars. Need a quiescent spectrum to get the stars. even that can be tricky The nova eruption certainly blows off gas into space so there will be a remnant shell. Might take a while to become large enough to be visible on large pro scopes, if at all
  17. I assume so, but not seen any reports. White dwarf primary, certainly but not seen spectral classification of the 2ndary
  18. Occurred to me too, Stu 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏻
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