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Everything posted by laser_jock99

  1. Nice to see this new Dark Sky Trail - the .pdf brochure can be downloaded here Milky Way as seen from the first location- Star Inn, Dylife.
  2. Another vote for skiing salopetes- plenty of second hand pairs around from people who go skiing just the once......
  3. Liking the narrow gauge railway at bottom of your garden- Talyllyn?
  4. Rain or cloud - my obsy now doubles as a radio shack. Lots of interesting signals out there.....
  5. Pozidrive screws are okay so long as you use size 3 (or larger). The smaller size 2 is prone to rounding off either the screw or the bit. Torx is good though too- but again, the larger sizes are better for this kind of work.
  6. Panorama from my observatory in Mid Wales Southern horizon- late summer evenings.
  7. Remember the Bow Street Tornado- just down the road?
  8. If it helps- I leave an EQ6 outside all year round on a permanent pier. It survives severe mountain conditions under a few layers of plastic bags and BBQ covers....
  9. Canon 40D - self modified to full spectrum sensitivity. Plenty on E-bay <£100. NGC7000 taken with GSO 8" F4 Newtonian telescope, 0.7x ASA Keller coma corrector/reducer, modifed Canon 40D full spectrum camera @ ISO1000. Stack of nine images totaling 38 minutes of exposure
  10. Nice. Worth sending to the campsite owners to see if they'll angle the light down a bit?
  11. North or Mid Wales- no too far from Brum. Llyn Peninsula is worth a look too. Brecon.....bit near the LP sources in the South
  12. Great project- wish I had access to a digger for my build. The gradient was too much to be safe though, I fear.
  13. The 30 degree slope at the bottom right is the horizon- the rest is trees. With the horizon leveled it would look more like this...
  14. Milky Way- Sagitarius through to Cepheus (105 degrees of sky!), Powys 3:00am this morning. Stack of seven, 300 second exposures.
  15. Looking good so far. If you stretch the budget to use armoured mains cable- then the metal shielding will surpress any RFI coming out of it. https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/products/0379126/?grossPrice=Y&cm_mmc=UK-PLA-DS3A-_-google-_-PLA_UK_EN_Cables_And_Wires-_-Electrical_Power_And_Industrial_Cable|Sy_Cable-_-PRODUCT_GROUP&matchtype=&pla-394215423796&s_kwcid=AL!7457!3!243856868087!!!g!394215423796!&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImZvJmJzu4QIV1ITVCh2bPwzwEAQYAyABEgLrXvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds It would be better for burying and more resistant to rodent attack too (a big problem for me).
  16. York city centre, Stoke On Trent, North Shields- to name but a few, are also good observing sites.......
  17. ....and a bit baffling! The first three 'Truely Dark Sky Sites' I checked were in towns........ Clearly the 'data' is not being checked.
  18. If you can bring youself to re-check the collimation once after a couple of hours cooling down during the night- then you'll save yourself 600 Euro's............
  19. I've looked at buying this lens as a possible replacement for my ageing Nikon ED180 F2.8 which was the recomended fast widefield AP lens in its day. I don't want to hook it up to a CCD- so has anyone got any unprocessed, full frame DSLR images at F2 to post? I'd like to see if it is an improvement on the 'slow' old Nikon! And also how well it handles CA- one of the Nikons failings (on my lens at least) was issues with CA wide open. I found I had to stop down to F4 and use a Lumicom Minus Violet filter (almost half the cost I paid for the lens!!).
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