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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Personally, for a 'fixed' installation I'd replace\augment the terminal posts with a more robust connector (e.g. Neutrik Speakon). This would ensure that with the constant heating\cooling of the terminal connectors, that they don't come loose thereby giving intermittent connections. It also makes it easier\neater to build power distribution systems (to my mind anyway)….
  2. Why do you think it needs servicing ? and where are you ?
  3. A pier may not be as flexible as a moveable tripod, but once built\installed, it is much easier to update with power\network etc. and even, space permitting, a full enclose that can be fully removable, or just parts.....
  4. Unfortunately, as its sooo humid here (Surrey) that even though I have the intension of an early night, I just can't drop off peacefully...
  5. If you have the appropriate cables\switches\ports etc. then you could 'bond' network connections, increasing the connection speeds (It won't be a doubling, as there will be losses in the system), but I find it adequate. If you really want the fastest speed to disk, then lookup Low Latency Networks (https://www.routerfreak.com/low-latency-networks-financial-trading-applications/), its not cheap and requires much higher end equipment, but the technology is there to write to disk at multi gigabit speeds.....
  6. If you already have a Gig wired network, why not save directly to a NAS\Server ? Its what I do, whether for individual images or multi-image streams.....
  7. The machinations of Heath Robinson !! Younger readers will have to do some searching.....
  8. I think we'll need some more info, the least of which is where you live ?? and what equipment will be inside ? Are you planning to have the equipment assembled\ready to go, where you remove the shed from the equipment (roll away ?) or is it just going to be used for secure storage ??
  9. Looked on eBay ?? https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=3%2F8+bolt&_ipg=200&rt=nc
  10. Once started, you'll make the time.... Its useful for everything, not just Astronomy......
  11. Not if the Pi\Rock64\SBC's do all the work & the laptop is just used as a 'monitor', it's how I use mine. Yes I could\can run SGPro on the laptop, but it's much easier to just run power & network (I prefer GB wired, as I save the image files remotely to a NAS), which means all USB leads are as short as possible, thereby getting rid of the major bugbears ......
  12. I see there are different flavours of sensor types, from simple electrical resistance (https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/rain-detector/) up to using Infra Red beams (http://rainsensors.com/). I suppose it'll depend on how deep the wallet \ complexity required....
  13. No, SGPro is a Windows app only, for the Pi4 you'd be better off going Indi\Ekos, but natively that works best on Ubuntu Mate, which has yet to release a version compatible with the Pi4. In future, it may be possible to run Windows IoT on the Pi4, which may allow the running of SGPro, but somehow I doubt it.....
  14. Pity I don't have a television, I'll wait till it's on utube…..
  15. Yep, download & install the top one, .Net Framework 4.8
  16. Need more info, like versions of OS etc..... but by the look of it you have a broken .Net installation, try re-installing .Net
  17. Apparently they have been getting very good results with it.... Torbjorn & Thomas even talked Trinamic into building one in their canteen... ( )
  18. You want to build a HangPrinter (https://hangprinter.org/) then you could print the whole lot in one go, if your room is tall enough....
  19. You'll need an adaptor to mate the camera to the OAG, but after that I'm not sure as I don't have the exact same equipment. FYI, the knob below the ST4 port, is the focus adjuster (by moving camera in\out), the one below that, is the 'intrusion' into the light path, which needs to be adjusted so that no shadows are cast on the main imaging camera, but the guide camera is able to 'see' enough stars. On some targets this can be problematical if not enough stars are visible....
  20. Here's my setup, with OAG, FW etc. I'm using a ASI120 mm as the guide camera, but when I had the QHY fitted, it wasn't far different
  21. Shrink the tube to the guide camera, to me it looks a little excessive.....
  22. I was in the same position, having an old version of Photoshop, which is unable to work well, and Gimp proving a pain in the butt, so switched to Affinity. Like anything, it takes a while to get used to, and will do most of what Photoshop does, apart from working with Fits' files, so I convert copies before processing..... As you say, for the price its unbeatable, so I give a thumbs up 👍 Forgot to add that I use xnConvert (https://www.xnview.com/en/xnconvert/#downloads) to convert the FITs file to TIFF
  23. My two pennies.... no sharp bends on the water pipes, and mount the electronics inside the box, at least then its a monolithic item, that can be easily?? removed for testing.... and there's definitely no chance of the pipes freezing ??
  24. Before I go the Raspian route, I'll try the Mate Pi version, even though its for the older boards, there may be enough commonality to at least kick it into life....
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