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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Make sure all the GND's\0v's are connected together, or you might still need the opto-couplers...
  2. …. After all the recent frustrations ???
  3. Do you have any alignment/sync points configured ? Personally I don't use them, as I use PlateSolve2 to centre\re-centre the target, and was finding that the alignment points were throwing things off.
  4. For Linux there's EasyEDA, Altium or DipTrace…..
  5. Follow the Installation section in the 'ReadMe.txt' file that comes in the zip package....
  6. Have you also added the site settings into your planetarium software for location (CDC\Stellarium) ?? Also have you adjusted the PC's clock to match the GPS time ?
  7. Hmm, sounds like you may need to get a detector that will fire on pure\potable water as well as 'dirty'... There are some that utilize detectors that can be fitted to a funnel and can detect the presence of ion's so are very sensitive.
  8. Which version of Windows ? as you may need to copy the files as 'Administrator' before they are copied properly....
  9. Even though I love printed parts, for something like that, I'd be tempted to go for all metal, with over size penny washers'ish etc.....
  10. One other thought, if it shows no signs of life (lights etc.) there may be an in-line\PCB fuse somewhere which has done its job.....
  11. It looks like a switched mode regulator system and so will require further testing with a good multi-meter \ oscillator.... I doubt that the coil would be at fault as its usually rated for higher current.... If you can, check the diodes & capacitor voltages, but its more likely to be one of the transistors\IC's. The IC adjacent to the red wire looks suspicious, with what looks like a burn mark, same with the 100 resistor by the red wire....
  12. If you can\have space etc., drill a hole big enough for a 32\44mm wastepipe. It will then give you enough space for any future expansion without any further messy drilling.
  13. Isn't it always the way, when you want rain, none comes.....
  14. Personally, I see 4k monitors\televisions as just marketing..... As you say, there are very few signal sources that will produce a 4k image, I'm not even sure a lot of the software\systems produce a 'true' 1080 image..... After doing a little research (get anything but Samsung), I bought a pair of LG 24" IPS monitors (https://www.lg.com/hk_en/monitor/lg-24MK600M) they are superb, and can be put side by side with a very small gap between. They may not be suitable for you as they are desk mounted, but there are other models in the range that can be 'arm' mounted.
  15. As long as its populated the Site Information (Latitude\Longitude\Elevation) just click on Set & your done. To save the info click on the 'floppy disk' button & give it a meaningful name....
  16. Its the odd occasion when the wind\rain comes from a different direction, so 'misses' the detector.....
  17. I don't know how large\sensitive it is?, but one of the things that struck me was the small target area, for rain to hit. So to increase the capture area, I was thinking of some sort of funnel with super slick top layer, to ensure the water ran off very quickly.....
  18. Take it easy, don't tire yourself, keep it simple ......
  19. Just don't wear yourself out, lugging all that heavy gear around....
  20. I've used 10mm studding from Boltworld on eBay (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/A4-STAINLESS-STEEL-FULLY-THREADED-ROD-BAR-STUDDING-THREAD-M3-M4-M5-M6-M8-M10-M12/123688180241?var=424280793959&hash=item1ccc63da11:m:mbkdK5_7b9WP32-_NxoGRWA) to attach my mount to my pier..... Being A4 stainless steel rod & nuts, means I never have to worry about anything rusting\seizing up ...
  21. Apparently they used 2 fonts, NasaLisa (https://fontmeme.com/fonts/nasalization-font/) & Bambi-B (https://fontmeme.com/fonts/bambi-font/) which can be downloaded from the linked info....
  22. No point running yourself out, just relax and keep safe & well …..
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