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Alien 13

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Everything posted by Alien 13

  1. I would think that the cool down is related to the volume of glass/air in the tube, my 90mm Mak is ready to go in 10 minutes or less.. Would be interesting to know if the cool down for a 100mm Mak is any different to a 100mm refractor especially if its a triplet. Alan
  2. Dont think the colour matters at all, the WO Redcat even uses a clear one.. Alan
  3. Nice, must get the Affinity Photo book myself.. Alan
  4. Look forward to the results, I love my Mak because its so camera friendly, can hang a very heavy DSLR off it with no issues and no back focus problems.. Alan
  5. Very good images, sometimes think the smaller Maks get overlooked as being good scopes in their own right rather than just filling up a manufacturers range.. Alan
  6. I run my EQ3-2 single axis motor off a 5V mobile phone/tablet powerbank, the motor is designed to run on 4.8V anyway (4 x 1.2V rechargables) so the real 5.2V from the powerbank is fine and whats more they are as cheep as chips even for the 10A/H ones. You will have to make up a lead though from an old USB cable or graft one onto the existing lead... Alan
  7. I agree its not perfect, am annoyed that it cant handle ICO files or Nvidia plugins for game design but the software does seem to evolve reasonably fast so I am confident it will get there.. Alan
  8. If you want an alternative/better option than CS3 then Affinity Photo is the way to go.. Alan
  9. The trouble is that even a small 70mm frac will require a 2 inch correct image diagonal (which are as rare as hens teeth) to get decent low magnification views so it might be better to get a dedicated imaging scope and a pair of binos. Alan
  10. I dont think so, I have used the Sony A7 with lots of Canon glass but that required an extension in the adapter so it wont work the other way... Alan
  11. They are sharp, my Celestron C90 was female so called her Luna.. Alan
  12. I would look at a used 60D or even a 70D on sites like MPB or Wex, might just be able to get one for around the £400 mark and will be far better than the 200D you looked at. Alan
  13. I am sure it will be easy, all I did was a couple of auto colour iterations.. Alan
  14. Looks blue to me, rough and ready PS colour balance.. Nice capture. Alan
  15. I am biased but think the 90mm MAK is the best in the range due to its f/13 ish focal ratio, some reports say the Celestron versions have better coatings than the SW offings but who knows... Alan
  16. I have never managed to fill my 64Gb card even shooting HD movies with my 80D so you should have no problems with space. Alan
  17. High frequency switching noise is actually hard to eliminate, ceramic capacitors close to the load and having a few turns of the output lead wound around a ferrite toroid is your friend. I do like linear PSUs having designed many for high end audio use but some have a fatal flaw if using series regulation, a failure of the output device will almost always cause it to go SC causing the full unregulated voltage (which can be 20-30V) to appear at the output. Alan
  18. I know that not all Canon RAW files are created equal and some software struggles with certain versions although I cant confirm this is the problem you are facing. What has worked for me in the past is the free software "Adobe DNG Converter" this converts a Canon RAW file to a standardized Digital Negative which can be processed as a normal RAW, the software is easy to use and can do "batch" conversions and as said is universally compatible with all image processing software. I would give it a try to see if it helps. Alan
  19. I would stick to 32Gb or 64 Gb if you realy need the extra, as for brand I always use Sandisk extreme pro.. Alan
  20. I am not entirely convinced by this lens, not enough elements for my liking but would like to see a head to head with the Canon 200mm f/2.8 set to f/4 or even the "cheap" 70-200mm f/4 L lens used wide open. Alan
  21. I have wondered about exit pupil size many times and have several rifle scopes that go well above 20 mm and they are fine but everything is bright almost like having night vision. Have looked through some military spotting scopes that again push the exit pupil into double figures and again they worked brilliantly on the night sky, possible better than any commercial scope/eyepiece but you do need a dark site. Alan
  22. At least astro kit is cheap compared to other interests like audio.. Alan
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