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Alien 13

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Everything posted by Alien 13

  1. I would think the Canon lens would be far better, probably up to high end APO standards and maybe a bit more as not many 400mm scopes will cover a full frame imaging circle. Alan
  2. The 1100D and 450D have very similar specifications and possibly the same sensor although the 450D will have more features.. I had a 1100D for a while and it was fine for basic AP but a bit limited. Alan
  3. The best entry level DSLR for AP is the 450D although it will cost a bit more than £100, look on the MPB and Wex sites for examples. Alan
  4. I have noticed that Affinity is not as resource efficient as PS with some tasks, had my lappy sweating a few times.. Alan
  5. Hi Jack, I use Affinity too and find it brilliant. If you open a RAW file it will show the RAW file editor which allows you to correct for lens defects on specific Canon lenses, there are adjustments for Geometry/De fringing/Chromatic aberration and Vignetting plus lots of other stuff. Alan P.S. Just had a quick look in Affinity and it seems to list every lens on the planet in its correction tool
  6. I would say that the abundance of tight faint stars suggests you focus is good and is the method I use to get the focus correct. The distortion with the brighter stars is down to the lens itself and sky conditions but can be improved by stopping down as Happy Kat mentioned or fixed in post processing or even by using lens correction data in PS or whatever. Alan
  7. Full frame cameras are weird things my son has a 50mm Takumar with adapter designed for full frame cameras that hits the mirror on his 6D. Alan
  8. I had the same issue with my Canon RAW files, had to give up on APT and DSS and PS but the easy fix is to use the Adobe DNG conversion software although its still a faff. Might try APT again to see if they fixed the lockup when connecting my camera but still a bit scared.. Alan
  9. Looks like I might have to watch the recorded version, the mention of Hawkwind in the title realy put me off watching live.. Alan
  10. I would think the first option is the correct one.. This look similar and cheaper but cant guarantee anything. Alan
  11. Think the K mount lenses can fit using an adapter that doesn't need any additional optics, make sure any adapter you choose can do infinity focus.. Alan
  12. I have a couple of radioactive camera lenses, never been a problem.... Alan
  13. Its a difficult one, I had the std 18-55mm kit lens although it was the IS version and found it far superior to my more recent 50mm f/1.8 STM lens for AP. To get better performance at that focal length you need to look at the Samyang range but they do cost a few pennies, the Takumar M42 lenses with an adapter are worth looking at but if you want more focal length then nothing beats a used Canon 70-200mm f/4 L lens for the price, I paid £240 for mine admittedly a few years ago. Alan
  14. Thats my only concern with Affinity, have had it for ages but still no support for ICO files or Nvidia plugins for game design so have to keep my old PS CS6 on standby. I do think it offers far more though than my copy of PS did and it can open my DSLR RAW files too. Alan
  15. Dont forget a shiny new DSLR too Alan P.S. I dont know the current price of a TAK but expect its not far off the 2.5K I paid for my lappy which gets hammered every day with video work and gaming so I made the best choice for me I expect. Alan
  16. I tend to stick with 32 Gb capacity for my cards as it seems to offer the best cost/size option, I do prefer SanDisk extreme pro and find the cost reasonable to be honest but gets crazy with bigger capacities. Alan
  17. I would tend to agree with others that you first need to make sure the "shoot without lens" option is enabled in the camera menu. I do find the setup you are using a little strange through with the total length of the adapters etc in use, in general when using eyepiece projection the camera sensor needs to be at the same point as it would be visually with your eyeball. Alan
  18. That software looks good although not a big fan of strip board unless it is of the FR4 variety (come back proper Maplins). Alan
  19. Had a quick look on MPB and Wex and couldn't find one either although there are usually lots of them, difficult to recommend without knowing your budget the 450D is good but doesn't have an articulated view screen and the 60D is a step up from the 600D but mores costly. Alan
  20. Oh dear I am going in the opposite direction for minimum magnification i.e 4-8 X as a maximum which limits things somewhat. Alan
  21. Looking forward to this too although have to repair my headphones first so will be a mad dash to fix them..... Alan
  22. I think the 600D is the best option these days as a entry level camera.... Alan
  23. Some great info here, I am old school and design circuits in my head then scribbled on a bit of paper, all my circuit boards are hand drawn too, thankfully I only work with valves and transistors..... Alan
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