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Everything posted by CraigT82

  1. Thats a great image, really nicely done! Maybe you should ask for a 5x barlow for Christmas?! I think the light patch at left is cloud/mists, you will probably find they are very evident in the blue channel ( if you split the colour image) and thats a dead giveaway for cloud features. We are looking through a lot of Martian atmosphere at the limb so only takes a little misty/hazyness there to show up strongly in the image.
  2. Fantastic Peter! The detail and resolution is astounding.
  3. Yes that is the issue. We collimate our scopes on-axis, and if you then move a defocused star to the edge of the field you see that the donut is no longer concentric as it is now off-axis and miss-collimated. When the ADC is adjusted it shifts the image and if that image goes off the sensor you have to move the scope to get it back on, but then the target is now off-axis and so miss-collimation and other aberrations may come into play (coma, field curvature etc.) Three ways you could combat this: You can use a bigger sensor to help avoid moving the scope Collimate the scope at the off-axis position (could check for this position during set up as the ADC levers position, and hence the position of the corrected image, should be predictable) Use a scope with low off-axis aberrations Also, my own ZWO ADC adds a touch of astigmatism to the image, only a little, and on low planets when the dispersion is large, the astig. is the lesser of two evils. Currently Mars is only exhibiting small amount of dispersion requiring a tiny ADC adjustment and on this target the astig. the ADC introduces is worse than the dispersion it's corrected, which may explain why I got a better image without the ADC last time out.
  4. Very nice, if that's straight out of AS3 can't wait to see what it looks like sharpened! As a fellow vintage newt user I'td be nice to see some pics of your Astro Systems 8.5"?!
  5. That's a beauty indeed! I also ditched the ADC for my last session with the 290m (only had half an hour outside so didn't want to waste time fiddling with it) and found the results to be very nice, shan't be bothering with for for Mars for the rest of the apparition.
  6. Nowt wrong with that! Lovely shot 👍
  7. L filters generally also cut off UV and IR, you will need an IR pass filter to capture any IR. Also you don't need the split the RGB channels of the colour capture, just add the IR to the colour as luminance Edit: just seen that the Baader Clear filter they advertise as an L filter but seems to pass everything.
  8. Nice sketch. I agree it can be hard to put a name to a feature, some maps flat out contradict each other! These are two I've found online that I use regularly, I think the colour one is credit to Damian Peach but can't for the life of me find who did the b/w one.
  9. It can help of you reduce the LD value in the right hand column of the table where you load up the images ro derotate. I usually go for around 0.8. I dont know why it appears, I think it might be when the alignment frame wasn't too accurate but can be very hard to get it right.
  10. Very nice result, great resolution around Velles Marineris loads of fine detail there, always worth persisting in the wind. Something strange going on at the SPC though?!
  11. It's only natural to get attached to good pieces of kit and not want to let them go, but my advice is sell it and move on. You're only doing it a disservice by keeping it and not using it so if someone can make better use best to let it fulfill its destiny! If I was in your shoes I'd be looking hard at a Skymax 127, great planetary grab and go tool that will go on a small alt az head and may even work well with tracking on the star adventurer? Not sure about that though.
  12. Justt noticed a bit of artifact on the terminator edge of the derotated images, if you reduce the LD value in the derotation stage of winjupos you can get rid of that, i usually use about 0.8
  13. Yeah I know what you mean, I hate messing with my imaging train once its dialled in, especially in the dark! . No harm in leaving it in there obviously, very nice image
  14. Nice image, lots of albedo features to see. Didnt know you could get the annotations up like that, is that the pro version?
  15. Very nice, capable littl scopes those 150 maks are. Not aure you'd need the ADC with a 150mm scop and a target at ~40° though?
  16. very nice some good details there, manual tracking is tough!
  17. Tjats a great effort, you must be well pleased with that, is that only second light for the new C11? I think the limb and the SPC are both better on the derotated version.
  18. The 2.25x zoom barlow is basically just a lens cell and can be screwed into the filter threads of other EPs, you don't need the additional £70 adaptor unless you want to make it into a 'proper' full barlow with a 1.25" holder. However I'm not sure exactly what the power is when screwed directly into the filter threads. I use it with my Heritage 130p as its nice and lightweight and doesn't take up space in my travel kit.
  19. Thanks All. Seeing seemed to start off sketchy but improved quickly, was a shame I had to pack up and get to bed! Yes essentially, I shot G alongside the R and B, and tried combining both a true green and a synthetic green into the final image and found I preferred the synthetic green, though the colour balance is a little off I think it helps with the surface albedo details, probably because its a little noisier with a third less frames stacked so it looks a bit more detailed, but actually isn't?
  20. Good work... you've nicely avoided blowing out the SPC like I did last night! Are you doing the animation in PIPP?
  21. Well that is a massive dark barge isn't it?! Jupiter is so interesting at the moment. Great stuff👍
  22. Lovely stuff for bad seeing, well captured.
  23. Nice, not bad for a first attempt in that long. The first one looks squashed vertically, or is that me? I think the surface albedo features are better in that first one if the colour and shape could be sorted.
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