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Everything posted by knobby

  1. A poor sky at night is better than no sky at night 🙂
  2. If it's an older Altair GpCam you'll need an older version of Sharpcap for it to be recognised ...
  3. Not sure on your mount but with an AZ-GTI you can use the Synscan pro app and phd2 over WiFi.
  4. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of different monitors / eyes, I'm sure every planetary image starts off fairly washed out till we adjust saturation etc. hence the personal taste bit.
  5. Oooh, I'd check collimation first then. Looks very weird.
  6. Interesting ... difficult to say without seeing it, no harm checking collimation though, I need to check mine too.
  7. Nice result, the colour is down to personal taste I guess, I use auto colour in PS6 ... this is how your Saturn turns out.
  8. I could be wrong but if you look at recent images of Mars it appears to have a phase ... its being side illuminated as it's so far after sunset, a bit like a 3/4 Moon. Might be what you're seeing.
  9. Not ideal but still doable, manged these when close to the Moon recently.
  10. More detail than I've managed ! But then your scopes bigger than my scope 😄
  11. Sorry for your loss, but I'm sure he'll be chuffed you are making use of his (your) gear. As already said you need a diagonal between scope and eyepiece. Lovely equipment list there ! Your Dad chose well 👍🏼
  12. Welcome Martin, it's great to see a new member posting positive / useful information. Wishing you clear skies.
  13. Might be worth a shout ! London too ... https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=164193 Or Chelmsford https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=164179 newer and cheaper ! Then look out for a mount ?
  14. Hi Michael, love the framing on the Neowise shot ! Essex section is very quiet but does get busier when it gets dark earlier ... hopefully.
  15. So sorry ... @vlaivSending best wishes and virtual hugs from the UK to you and your wife
  16. Try manual and set exposure gradually faster til details appear.
  17. Sorry mate, never easy saying goodbye but you'll always remember when you look up 👍🏼
  18. Can you test the power supply / lead with a 12v bulb ? Be careful though ... Don't short anything.
  19. Really no expert but my 2p worth ... looks like guide speed is too low ? takes a long time to correct errors.
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