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Everything posted by knobby

  1. Hi Dan, welcome back ... It's not so busy on here lately but picking up again 😊
  2. Really nice John 👍 can't see equipment on mobile, what scope / camera ?
  3. I think we should all chip in together and somehow raise enough money to invent a system of pulsing white led lit lines across Elons massive flatscreen TV every time he watches it 😃
  4. How old is it ? I'm pretty dubious about quality control on recent Chinese mounts as they've had to rush them through to catch up with factory being closed due to Covid.
  5. Typical, my HEQ5 turned up on Thursday and it was clear ... But the tripod arrived yesterday 😟
  6. You'll be shooting Avi files but cropped with a region of interest probably so a 3 minute capture will be approx 2.5 gig. I use a battered old laptop with a 128 GB SSD and USB 3, I take a usb HDD with me so if I get low on space I move data to it while I'm getting the hot chocolate ready 😃
  7. Interesting, i read somewhere that 5 X pixel size is optimum f no for planetary, you're at about f 15 which is bang on ( ish 😁) 2.9 pixels X 5 = 14.5. I'm at around f25 with a ZWO224 really need to get it down to under f20.
  8. I still can't believe he's been allowed to do it 😫
  9. That's excellent 👍 what scope etc ?
  10. Have you done an alignment first ? Or am I mis reading your post.
  11. Are you using ZWO or ascom driver ? I had random weirdness with the ZWO driver but touch wood it's been fine since going back to ascom.
  12. ZWO have an app but only for ZWO cameras.
  13. Loads of useful info / pics here http://rocketsparrow.blogspot.com/2017/01/how-i-made-better-celestron-avx.html?m=1 Followed it to repair mine. Before you go too deep I seem to recall having 3 set screws ?
  14. Nice Steve, not quite clearing neighbours roof yet for me ...
  15. If you get a good one it really is a cracking mount, love your set up, very similar to mine, I've managed 500 seconds too but more like 1.8 arc secs.
  16. They're usually Teflon tipped to guide the rotational movement , don't overtighten them. For £1000 I'd expect the lock screw to ... Lock. Talk to supplier and see how they feel.
  17. Maybe but accurate, planetary (which the ASI 120 excells at) is very different to deep space.
  18. If your pixels are 2.2 then you're probably better off ditching the Barlow, ideally you want the f no. to be about 5 X pixel so f 11. You're at f 22. Also you look a bit over exposed so try a faster frame rate. Good luck and stick at it.
  19. Dec is very sticky on the AVX, if you get your polar alignment better it shouldn't need to do much work though.
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