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Everything posted by knobby

  1. Well done , guiding is indeed a major step in imaging success , glad you have it sorted.
  2. Can you try in the day time on a distant object ? Lots of people use this setup so I'm sure it will work 🀞🏻
  3. Feel free to hijack πŸ˜ƒ I love a bit of banter
  4. Not sure of the spec but a DSLR and a 135mm prime must be quite heavy, I'd be inclined to use the L bracket and counter balance. Quite a few users with your mount on here so I'm sure someone will have a better idea of what it's capabilities are. Hope you get sorted soon 🀞🏻
  5. Thanks gents, interesting replies, I've been stubborn in sticking with 300 sec / 139 gain ... might have a dabble ( and new darks library πŸ™‚ ) going down to 180 seconds as @Blazar has done the maths from Robin Glovers video which implies 170 ish is optimal for my situation. Probably get less subs lost by wind / satellites etc
  6. Must admit, I do like it ... Pixel 4a using astro mode. Just wish I'd have moved a bit as the mount is hiding Orion .
  7. Not been out for quite some time but grabbed this last night . Looks quite funky but the cream colour of the white mount is from a bit of tungsten lighting indoors, the red and blue bits are from the volt and amp readings on the power bank .
  8. Hi all, I'm sure I've read this before somewhere but still unsure of the theory ... Am I correct in thinking that when stacking, 1 to 2 Half's the noise, then 2 to 4 Half's again, then 4 to 8 ... 8 to 16 etc. So going past 16 really needs a massive investment in time ? Also where does sub length come into this ? I use a ZWO 1600 pro and seem to get good results in my bortle 7 / 8 zone with 300 seconds at unity gain. Also, now sure that (as I've been told but wanted to see for myself πŸ˜‰) that only Ha cuts through the Moon glow. Due to time restraints I've been aiming for an hour per filter but this equates to 12 subs so I guess I need to grab an extra 4 to see the benefit ? For completeness and a recap ... 300 seconds / gain 139 / ZWO 1600 pro / f4.9 ZWO narrowband filters.
  9. Should be ok ... Try mid gain and about 1.5 seconds, works on mine
  10. Android app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zwoasi.smartcontroller Not ideal though ... What are you imaging ?
  11. You can make a Canon DSLR work with ascom / Sharpcap ... https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/657429-how-to-use-sharpcap-with-a-dslr/
  12. Definitely the thought that counts πŸ‘ We did this last year for a friend we lost to Covids partner. We did carefully research it and chose a random star near Cassiopeia ... that way they can look up most of the year and see roughly where it is. They were happy so money well spent.
  13. I still don't get it ... We can't buy any astro gear because it's out of stock everywhere ... Yet it's still cloudy πŸ˜‚
  14. You can also pretty much guarantee that Rother will be out of stock at that price.
  15. Cheers John, the moon doesn't hinder the H but plays havoc with the S and O. For me anyway.
  16. Looks like the Dec wasn't actually responding to guide commands ? Too low aggression setting ?
  17. Nice image πŸ‘πŸ» the moon is very bright so it's hard to capture colour ... I believe people just boost the saturation in an editor to bring out what little colour there is.
  18. What camera ? I'm guessing a DSLR as you say ISO 800. Maybe try dithering or look at which ISO is optimum for your camera.
  19. Cracking image, wether it's your first or not ! Well done.
  20. Have you entered guide camera pixel size and guidescope focal length correctly ? Maybe try increasing calibration step size and / or nudge north before calibration. How is the mount connected ? St 4 cable or eqmod ?
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