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Everything posted by Rob

  1. I didn't get a chance last night. The skies turned so milky with high cloud... Shall try again
  2. I will add this site for help. I like the images provided, they really help. https://garyseronik.com/a-beginners-guide-to-collimation/ Best Rob
  3. Interesting you managed it in the 80mm.. that's inspired me to give it a go tonight!
  4. Fingers crossed ... thinking positive - Yes. Thanks for the post Jeremy
  5. Not suggesting any particular here. But I'm going to provide combinations I have/had have and what sits well with what! SW150PDS - EQ5 SW200PDS - HEQ5 ED80 - EQ5 or HEQ5 alike I have used several dobs and enjoyed them its fair to say. I am an EQ man in the main. The SW150PDS on the EQ5 is great setup & easy to manage. Remember its focal length is shorter, so for wide field its a beauty. It can do planets mind you with a decent Barlow. The 200PDS is a great scope, if EQ or Dob mounted. A nice step up from the 130P.. for visual it sits OK on the EQ5 (some shakes hence the match to a HEQ5). The ED80 is rock solid on a EQ5.. Optics crisp for visual, mags can be pushed on a good night, so good on Planets.. though aperture will win. However rewarding on most nights.. the moon is a joy!. Well.. thats my summing up for now. The others sure have made good points. Take your time on deciding.. research LOTS!.. its free, and will pay you back in spades. Try and take a look through what you can at clubs & open evenings (after COVID-19). Best Rob
  6. Nice, fun post here!... Heres mine
  7. How nice @Stu.. Right going to be up and about tomorrow before work for this. Forecast looks good for it too. Thanks for sharing - Stay Safe buddy
  8. Oh my.... cabin fever setting in I see!
  9. Looks really nice, And well made. Nice thick glass.
  10. Certainly a change for me being on the outskirts of the City. Less pollution, less lights and virtually no planes from Southampton Airport (was 80% flybe)
  11. Nice report Stu. I was also out with the ED80 again. Stunning sky last night. Also have you noticed how the LP has reduced?. I certainly have living on the outskirts of Southampton. Clearly less cars on the road, and less places open (reduced lighting) have changed the skies!. I honestly felt I doubled the amount of naked eye stars I could see Regards Rob
  12. Thanks @Stu.. they really are a treat. And for me keep my hobby alive!. Grrr I hate those scramble moments to duck the rain. I always feel that I'm going to drop something... I have now bought a BBQ cover to quickly throw over the mount after removing the OTA. It also has a heat layer (silver lined on the inside) and a nice pull string to wrap round the tripod legs. Mind you if its really coming down...back to the scramble 😄 I think the cover was a whole £9! Oh BTW I omitted to say I was using an Orion Shorty Plus 2 x APO barlow with the Meade 14mm EP
  13. The Moon was so good last night. I had the Revelation ED80 out for a run!... took this handheld image at the eyepiece (14mm Meade 5000 ep). Windy - Yes. Fun Observing - Yes!
  14. This really is strange times indeed. I'm half in the office, half home. I'm responsible for keep our homeworkers working.. I have to say I'm exhausted, but keep getting appreciation from the 50 home workers all the time. I have 100% sympathy for those home working etc.... Its not smooth sailing & taxing at best. But feel I'm doing my bit for keeping them guys in a job and being paid. Proud...but tired.. Best to all and stay safe at this crazy insane time. Glad we have the treat of clear skies a little longer mind. Rob
  15. Ditto Guys!... Both my 127L & ED80 will be homed in
  16. Disappointing.... indeed. Well I'm just glad you took your approach and made good. Just enjoy it now
  17. Glad your up and running. But you should not have to go through this situation with a NEW purchase. Lets hope the supplier sees fit to compensate in some way.. even a credit note / voucher for there store would be a nice touch. Hope it serves you well mind. Rob
  18. Good stuff Doug. You will find the sweet spot with the rig I'm sure. Mine lives on a HEQ5 (old school black dual drive) that's mounted on Skywatcher mount extension tube, which is then sitting on a CG5 2" leg tripod. Its great solid setup!. The bright DSO's are wonderful in this scope. Ultra black background and really stand out. I recall the first I went to was M57, and it almost felt like a 3D view!. You have plenty of time to work your way all the favorites and see for yourself. Good times ahead for you Best Rob
  19. Also. The 127L works beautifully with the Meade 5000 UWA ep's. Very comfortable & contrasty, allows you to stay at the ep and eyeball the target for longer.
  20. Welcome to the 127L club. Such a joy of a scope I have to say!. Enjoy
  21. Nice!. Your skywatcher Drives will be ok on there. I seem to recall (from a long distant memory) you may need a longer bolt for the RA... I'm sure its this mount it relates to, not the exos-2. Rob
  22. 1986!.. Wow how time fly's. Very nice though Stu. I'll assume a real keeper for sure!.. would be hard to replace I really miss my Vixen SP 102M. Stunner of an achro. Enjoy.. Rob
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