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todd8137 last won the day on September 23 2012

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    The Moon ,craters ,doubles ,binarys,planet imaging,gardening,fruit growing ,family life,walking
  • Location
    Alpha Carinae V

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  1. Hi ,yes not if tou at a dark sky spot bjt its also a safety net as well plus it keeps the dist and other stuff outits so easy,to drop some thing and a 16" mirror is not some thing id like to replace ive dropped many eps pens ect when around the scope pat
  2. Yes still does the job and does it well if your worried you can make,metal hoops the same ones that are in wedding dresses but to be honnest it does not cut to much light I have tested it on dimmer galaxies shroud on and no shroud it made little to no change to brightness or contrast keep looking up Pat
  3. That shows a great phase of Venus brill
  4. Hope every one has a great chrismas and new year 

    1. orion25


      Thank you and same to you! :icon_biggrin:


  5. Freeze in fog

    Frosty scope


  6. todd8137

    The Spider Nebula

    the range of coloured stars out shines ,the nebula in this technical master piece
  7. Hi and welcome enjoy the lounge and welcome back Pat
  8. A great looking moon here tonight 

  9. I take it you wear X ray specs to look through the house ;)

  10. Update It turns out you do need a needle to stitch Lycra nylon mix my neighbor tried last night and yes " aright job it was" the needle is called a ballpoint internet job now ordered pat
  11. Hi well back from town they had three grades of nylon Lycra how to describe them grade 1 rubbish,grade 2 not so rubbish but thicker a bit heavy ,grade three with a £6 pound per metre price supper heavy and easy to sew ( famous last words ) so,here's my plan note pic below A/B are as you guess top and bottom of scope the three verticals lines are the truss tubes parts ,1,2,3 camping matts cut down to each size, I,found 10" of,camping Matt does not un-balance the scope my plan is to glue Velcro to part s 1 and 3 along the dotted lines on pic I will have a 2" band with no Velcro. ( subject to trail and error this may turn in to 3 or 4 pieces) with the black Lycra will sew Velcro top and bottom lenght of this 29" This may not work out but I have nothing to loose I will not cut the Lycra to size I will most prob lightly sew it on for test purpose as if the 2" camp matt does not keep it from of the truss tubes and interfere with the light path Pat
  12. Just to test things will goto town and hand sow it just to see what it looks like and what it will cut out on the light path it's only a few quid and it's nothing if it all goes wrong I do appreciate all comments so far and a group average on a discussion is better than a single thought pat
  13. What a will do is check with my neighbour and see what she says ,I see destiny there also a player a may just hold of till I get a reply from the company in the states then Pat
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