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It may be boring to you but...


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Tonight for almost the first time since Christmas the skies cleared ( we are in Hertfordshire) and my youngest son and I got the Christmas present out to play. ( Skywatcher 6in reflector). Seeing from our back garden is not great but at the age of 53 and 14 we had a great ( and chilly) evening with what I am sure will be an enduring hobby.

First look - The moon. Simply stunning.

Hm ... Whats that bright object over there. Another wow ' It's Jupiter and moons.

Then the pleidies, and lots of frustration with the synscan alignment and planisphere. We ended up just pointing it at anything that looked potentially interesting!

There is so much to learn, but I can feel an adiction starting. Sorry to bore you experts, but I am glad to report that emthusiasm does not decline with age.

Bedtime now.

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Hi and welcome to SGL.

Sounds like you had a really great night. Very nice scope you have there, I'm sure you'll have a lot of enjoyment with it, there's lots to see out there. It's one of those absorbing hobbies where the more you learn, the more you want to find out.

I'm sure you'll find SGL a great source of information with lots of knowlegable people ready and willing to help.



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Hi John and welcome to the forum. Enthusiasm also does not decline with experience either! :)

Those objects you listed are still my preference and will always get a look in from me before I start to observe something else during the rest of the evening. Congratulations on getting out there and having a go and I wouldn't worry about the GOTO problem - that can be easily sorted by popping over to the equipment section for advice.

Continued clear skies for you and your son.


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i to hd first light last night and orion graet neb did not fail to be mind blowing and jupiter your right was really bright and move in fast the dob i have needs constant movement to keep it in view , the synscanwill sort its self out with time am sure sounds like ya both had a great night

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Sounds like a great first night.

I love going out with the family they share my excitement for finding new things to point the scope at even if they dont want to search themselves just let me do it and then take over the scope :)

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