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Stargazing Live convert!-NE Scotland


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Hi All,

I've always been interested in Astronomy having studied it as an 'outside course' in the 1st year of my Geology degree some 15 years ago!

The stargazing live series on the BBC combined with Prof. Cox's Wonders of the Solar system have pushed me over the edge so I'd like to explore things a little more.

I have to say from poking about the forum the attitude seems brilliant, very positive and constructive, I'm also a plane spotter (yeah I know another geeky hobby) and the attitudes of many of their posters on boards is awful.



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Hi ian! I registered earlier today for help buying a telescope. Got alot of good advice straight away and no jokes about me not knowing anything. (yet) Are you just starting out? Theres so much to take in for a beginner and im really lost in a world of millions of telescopes with abbreviations and numbers after their names. Suppose you got to start somewhere though.

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