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I've been into astronomy for a couple of years and was a member of another forum for a while. My interest was damaged greatly due to having problems with my first telescope, bought at the end of 2008 and my second, bought at the end of 2009. Both were from one of the major brands but both had faults and I was really unhappy with the shop I dealt with, meaning that I had the hump and didn't get much use out of either 'scope. I think I was really unlucky with the faults on both 'scopes and particularly the supplier, who I understand are no longer trading.

I have a son, who will be three in March. He can already recognise Jupiter in the sky and tells me it's a "gas giant", even though he has abosulutely no idea what that means... yet. It's always a bit of an ego boost for me when he starts talking about astronomy in front of other parents. This morning I was telling him about Venus.

Finally all the problems are resolved and I now have yet another 'scope to enjoy. I'm just waiting for some clear skies to get out again.

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Hi and welcome to SGL. Dont be too put off by your earlier experiences as many suppliers are only too happy to help as are the people on this forum.

Its great that you are sparking some enthusiasm in your son. My daughter is 2 months younger and also recognises Jupiter.

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